@hackage list-zip-def0.1.0.2

Provides zips with default values.


Provides zip functions that use a given default value, whenever one list is exhausted, but not all.

Prelude> import Data.List.Zip
Prelude Data.List.Zip> zipDef 0 'x' [1, 2, 3] "a"

The resulting list spine is also lazy:

Prelude Data.List.Zip> let xs = zipDef 0 'x' [1, 2, 3 :: Int] "a"
Prelude Data.List.Zip> :sprint xs
xs = _
Prelude Data.List.Zip> import Data.Maybe
Prelude Data.List.Zip Data.Maybe> listToMaybe xs 
Just (1,'a')
Prelude Data.List.Zip Data.Maybe> :sprint xs
xs = (1,'a') : _