Changelog of @hackage/large-anon 0.3.0

Revision history for large-anon

0.3 -- 2023-07-04

  • Critical bugfix (#146): incremental record construction was fundamentally broken. This is a major version dump because the internal representation is different, so if any code happens to rely on that, it will need to be updated. Specifically, indices into the underlying representation of the record are now interpreted from the end of the array, rather than the start; this is necessary to ensure that inserting new fields (which are prepended to the record row) do not affect the indices of old fields. With thanks to Johannes Gerer for the bug report and initial investigation.
  • One somewhat unfortunate consequence of this new design is that we can no longer resolve constraints HasField constraints unless all fields in the record are known. Previously, we had limited support for resolving HasField constraints for rows such as (a := Int ': r). However, since this support did not extend to other constraints, it was probably not very useful anyway; large-anon is quite explicit about not supporting inductive reasoning.
  • Add disableFourmoluExec flag to disable the Fourmolu tests in the test suite (#145; together with Johannes Gerer).

0.2.1 -- 2023-06-05

  • Add distribute (Johannes Gerer, #142)

0.2 -- 2023-03-06

  • Do not generate imports in the plugin (#129).
  • Support ghc 9.4 (#131).
  • Use ANON/ANON_F in Show instance (#103).
  • Support OverloadedRecordDot and OverloadedRecordUpdate (#128).

0.1.1 -- 2022-07-22

  • Support for ghc 9.2 (#116) -- 2022-04-06

  • First public release