Changelog of @hackage/interval-algebra 2.2.0

Changelog for interval-algebra


  • Redesigns the core typeclasses:
    • Decouples the interval algebra functionality from that of defining and manipulating intervals as pairs of points.
    • New Iv class to implement the relation algebra from Allen 1983, over any abstract interval type iv.
    • PointedIv class for intervals that can be cast to the canonical Interval.
    • SizedIv class for intervals that can be manipulated, providing stronger tools to create intervals that are consistent with the interval algebra when more structure is available. In effect replaces the b in the old IntervalSizeable b a with an associated Moment type of SizedIv.
  • Reimplements various interval constructors, such as safeInterval, to use the new typeclass methods while maintaining the previous implementation's behavior.
  • Removes the Safe pragma.
  • Removes witch, witherable and safe package dependencies.
  • Cleans up the IntervalAlgebra.IntervalUtilities module, removing many esoteric functions and tidying the type signatures and implementations of the remaining ones.
  • Fixes a bug in the gaps utility.
  • Fixes the Arbitrary for constructing valid intervals, which was made easier by the switch from IntervalSizeable to the redesigned SizedIv.


  • Removes the version constraints on the witch package.


  • Exports IntervalAlgebra.IntervalDiagram module and makes the following changes so as to export it as safe:
    • Removes nonempty-containers dependency and Data.IntMap.NonEmpty usage in IntervalAlgebra.IntervalDiagram. Replaces the non-empty IntMap with a key-value pair in a non-empty list.
    • Removes From instances, which were unnecessary.


  • Makes the version bounds on the time package consistent among project components.


  • Changes the type signature of the Intervallic typeclass.
  • Adds a package component tutorial used to provide data for a tutorial document.
  • Adds a tutorial document: interval-algebra foundations.
  • Adds a function standardExampleDiagram to IntervalAlgebra.IntervalDiagram that can be concisely invoked in Haddock documentation examples.
  • Renames enclose to encloses so tense is consistent with other relational predicates.
  • Changes combineIntervals and combineIntervalsL to sort their inputs and adds new functions combineIntervalsFromSorted and combineIntervalsFromSortedL for cases when the input data already are sorted.
  • Removes the unnecessary Ord constraint from begin and end, made possible by the changes to Intervallic.
  • Removes Functor Interval instance and the Functor, Bifunctor instances of PairedInterval. It is not possible to write an instance that both satisfies the Functor laws and maintains the desired Interval property that the begin be strictly less than the end.
  • Minor changes to the IntervalAlgebra.IntervalDiagram module, such as re-exporting Pretty and its methods.
  • Deprecates (<+>).


  • Adds labeledIntervalDiagram, which creates interval diagrams with labels and a rangeInterval reference interval.


  • Adds rangeInterval, which creates the smallest inverval containing all intervals in a Foldable.


  • Relaxes cabal package bounds; notably:
    • the time bounds gets a wider range
    • the text bounds include 2.0


  • Adds Abitrary (Interval a) instance generic over Ord a, Arbitrary a.
  • Removes the moment' function from the IntervalSizeable class.
  • Use type application with moment instead, as in moment @Int, moment @Day, etc.
  • Adds the following utility functions: lookback, lookahead, makeGapsWithinPredicate, pairGaps, anyGapsWithinAtLeastDuration, allGapsWithinLessThanDuration


  • Adds the safeInterval function to Core, as a utility for creating intervals from a pair of endpoints.
  • Uses PVP-style major upper bounds in cabal dependencies as described here.
  • Adds the IntervalDiagram module which includes functions and types for printing diagrams of intervals as text. These functions are useful for documentation and examples.


  • Adds NFData and Binary instances for Interval and PairedInterval


  • Derives Generic instances for Interval and PairedInterval.
  • Adds an Arbitrary instance for PairedInterval.


  • Arbitrary instances for DiffTime, NominalDiffTime and Day are now sized, the absence of which had prevented the 'fix' from version 1.1.1 from being effective. DiffTime and NominalDiffTime generators are also now limited to a maximum 86399 seconds directly.


  • Adds an internal utility to IntervalAlgebra.Arbitrary to generate a Maybe (i a) for Intervallic i a from a reference interval and set of relations. Nothing is returned for cases in which no interval can be generated.


  • Modifies internals of IntervalAlgebra.Arbitrary module to give uniformity over support for Integer and UTCTime intervals, yielding better interval generators. Also bounds the UTCTime utctDayTime argument to 86399 rather than 86400 to avoid trivial and rare cases of property testing failures related to leap seconds.


  • Fixes bug in parseInterval. For example, parseInterval 0 0 parsed to a Right (Interval (0, 0)). Oops, the inequality of the should have been y <= x not y < x. This was fixed and a test added to catch this error.


  • Adds beginervalMoment and endervalMoment functions to create intervals of moment duration from a begin or end.


  • Moves the main IntervalAlgebra module to IntervalAlgebra.Core and IntervalAlgebra now reexports IntervalAlgebra.Core, IntervalAlgebra.IntervalUtilites, and IntervalAlgebra.PairedInterval.
  • Creates a new IntervalAlgebra.Axioms module containing the IntervalAxioms typeclass of property tests of the interval algebra axioms. These were in the testing suite. Including this as a module in case users need add new Interval types and want to test the axioms.
  • Creates a new IntervalAlgebra.RelationProperties module containing a typeclass of property tests of the interval algebra. These were in the testing suite. Including this as a module in case users need add new Interval types and want to test the axioms.
  • Adds UTCTime/NominalDiffTime instance for IntervalSizeable.
  • Adds additional tests to the testing suite.


  • Adds the momentize function for changing the duration of some interval value to a moment.


  • Replaces unnecessary IntervalCombinable i0 a constraint in gapsWithin with Intervallic i0 a.


  • Adds shiftFromBegin (shiftFromEnd) functions (not totally satisfied with these names) which change the reference point of the interval in the second argument by the difference from the begin (end) of the interval in the first argument.
  • Adds a Functor instance for PairedInterval bs, which maps an PairedInterval c a to PairedInterval c b. That is, fmap acts on the interval type.


  • Fixes bug in gapsWithin introduced in last version.


  • Adds the beginervalFromEnd and endervalFromBegin utilities to create an interval of the provided duration from the end (respectively, begin) of another interval.
  • Cleans up some of the internals in the IntervalUtilies using functions from the foldl package rather than homemade versions.


  • Fixes synonyms so that before == precedes and after == precededBy, rather than the incorrect starts == precedes and startedBy == precededBy.


  • Fixes bug in formMeetingSequence wherein sequences of events with >2 nested events were not returning a meeting sequence.


  • Moves begin and end out of the Intervallic class.
  • Avoids incomplete patterns warnings by:
    • deriving Enum instance of IntervalRelation
    • catching equals case with otherwise in disjoinPairs
    • catching disjoint case with otherwise in clip


  • Removes Show constraint from intervals function in PairIntervals.


  • Generalizes gaps, gapsWithin, and combineIntervals to take general Intervallic inputs but still return Intervals.
  • Relaxes the Show a constraint on Intervallic class.
  • Removes unnecessary pragmas.


  • Removes the IntervalAlgebraic typeclass. The functions that were in this class are now regular functions exported in the main module.
  • Generalizes all interval predicate functions to work on (potentially) two different Intervallic containers.
  • Cleans up and reorganizes documentation.


  • Adds Safe language extension to all library modules.


  • Adds a Bifunctor instance for PairedIntervals.
  • Adds the two new functions to IntervalUtilites:
    • foldMeetingSafe: Folds over a list of Paired Intervals and in the case that the 'getPairData' is equal between two sequential meeting intervals, these two intervals are combined into one. This function is "safe" in the sense that if the input is invalid and contains any sequential pairs of intervals with an IntervalRelation, other than Meets, then the function returns an empty list.
    • formMeetingSequence: Converts an ordered sequence of PairedInterval b a that may have any interval relation ('before', 'starts', etc) into a sequence of sequentially meeting PairedInterval b a. That is, a sequence where one the end of one interval meets the beginning of the subsequent interval. The getPairData of the input PairedIntervals are combined using the Monoid <> function, hence the pair data must be a Monoid instance.
  • Renames pairData accessor function to getPairData in PairedInterval module.
  • Removes the unsafeInterval function.


  • Extends the IntervalCombinable class to operate on general Interval containers.
  • Removes all usage of unsafeInterval from the testing suite in preparation of removing this function.
  • Modifies internals of the combineIntervals function to use safe (exception-free) functions rather than footguns like head and tail.


  • Fixes bug in equals which was checking for equality of the interval container, not just the interval.


  • Removes the deriving Show instance for PairedIntervals so people can customize their own instances.


  • Generalizes the IntervalAlgebraic class to work on any data structure that contains an interval (not just intervals themselves). This is possible by modification to the Intervallic class, which now works in part as lens with getInterval and setInterval functions. This change allows users to define their own type which contains an interval get all the interval algebraic operation on that new type. The utility of this generalization can be seen in the PairedInterval module, which defines a parameterized type for interval paired with some other data.
  • Eliminates the Moment class and combined it with the IntervalSizeable class. Like the IntervalAlgebraic class, the IntervalSizeable class no longer depends on the Interval type, but its functions like duration now work on any Intervallic i a type.
  • Removes the expand, expandl, and expandr functions from the IntervalSizeable class are now just general functions. These function now work to modify the interval within any Intervallic i a type. Similarly beginerval, enderval, and extenterval were removed from the class; however, these functions only return the Interval type.
  • Generalizes the filter* functions in the utilities module to operate on potentially different interval algebraic types. For example, in filterOverlaps x [ys], x could be an Interval a and the ys could be a list of PairedInterval b a, so you can filter a container of one interval algebraic type with another interval algebraic type.


  • Adds the compose function to IntervalAlgebraic typeclass, thus now all the algebraic operations are available: complement, composition, converse, intersection, and union.
  • In the IntervalAlgebraic typeclass, adds concur as a synonym for notDisjoint; enclosedBy as a synonym for within; and enclose as the converse of enclosedBy.
  • Generalizes the utilities combineIntervals, gaps, gapsWithin, and relations to work with any Applicative, Foldable Monoid (of which List is a case).
  • Changes the signature of gapsWithin to return Maybe (f (Interval a)), so that in the case that there are no gaps Nothing is returned.
  • Renames the emptyIf* function to nothingIf*. Like gapsWithin, these now return Maybe (f (Interval a)) so that Nothing is returned if the quantified predicated is true.
  • Removes the IntervalFilterable typeclass and these functions are now available in the utilities module without needing to specify instances for each container type you want to filter.


  • Adds utilities emptyIfNone, emptyIfAny, and emptyIfAll that apply predicates to a list of inputs. If none, any, or all of the inputs meet the predicate, then the empty list is returned. Otherwise, the input is returned unmodified. These functions are generalized to Monoids, so they work on structures other than lists.
  • Adds gapsWithin function to IntervalUtilities module that applies gaps to all intervals in the input list that are non-disjoint from the interval in the first argument.
  • Fixed bug in combineIntervals where intervals could fail to be combined properly because foldr was being used instead of foldl'.
  • Adds intersect function to IntervalCombinable class that returns the (maybe) intersection of two intervals.
  • Adds relations utility function which returns a list of the IntervalRelations between each consecutive pair of intervals in the input list.
  • Renames in' predicate to within. Also, renames filterIn' to filterWithin.
  • Adds predicate function to IntervalAlgebraic class to map an IntervalRelation to its corresponding predicate function. Also adds predicates to map a set of IntervalRelations to a list of predicate functions.
  • Adds intersection, union, converse, and complement methods to IntervalAlgebraic for taking the respective operation on Set IntervalRelation.
  • Instantiates Bounded, Enum, and Ord for IntervalRelation, so that, for one, interval relations can be ordered and used in Data.Set. Uses the total ordering defined here, though in general, interval relations only have a partial order.
  • Renames composeRelations to the more accurate unionPredicates.
  • Adds <|> as operator for "union"ing ComparativePredicateOf (Interval a), as in starts <|> overlaps === unionPredicates [starts, overlaps].
  • Adds a clip x y function which clips the interval y to the extent of x, provided x and y are not disjoint.


  • Fixes bug in expand function


  • Fixes bug in filterNotDisjoint


  • Adds the diff function to the IntervalSizeable to make comparisons of endpoints easier.
  • Adds the notDisjoint relation to determine if two intervals share any support.
  • Adds filterDisjoint, filterNotDisjoint, and filterIn' to the IntervalFilterable class.


  • Adds beginerval and enderval function to IntervalSizeable class for safely creating Intervals given a begin (or end) and a duration.
  • Moves moment to its own typeclass Moment, which is now a constraint on IntervalSizeable.
  • Removes function exports from the IntervalAlgebra.Arbitrary module which where only meant to exported for the testing modules anyway.


  • Adds IntervalSizeable class.
  • Moves IntervalFilterable class to main module and generalizes the container to any Filterable type.
  • Adds IntervalAlgebra.IntervalAlgebraUtilities module to collect various useful functions.
  • Adds IntervalAlgebra.Arbitrary module to provide functions for generating arbitrary intervals.