Changelog of @hackage/indexed-traversable 0.1.4

0.1.4 [2024-05-dd]

  • Drop support for GHCs prior 8.6.5

0.1.3 [2023-10-04]

  • Add Foldable1WithIndex1 type-class, an indexed version of Foldable1. [2023-03-12]

0.1.2 [2021-10-30]

  • Changed (<$>) + (<*>) to liftA2 to potentially avoid extra fmap.
  • Add (#..), coercive composition after a 2-parameter function.
  • Switched references to lens 'Of'- functions to base functions.

Thanks to wygulmage for contributions.

0.1.1 [2020-12-27]

0.1 [2020-12-15]

  • Split out and combine this package functionality from lens and optics