Changelog of @hackage/hscrtmpl 1.6

1.6 (2018-10-03)

  • Moved copyright date up to 2018
  • Replaced out-of-fashion fmap with newfangled Applicative fmap
  • Changed to two-space indenting
  • Fixed a git source repository URL that was missed
  • Added some path split and dir examples
  • Removed unused file
  • Moved stack resolver up to 12.11
  • Added example #! for runhaskell
  • Switched to hpack
  • Removed Vim swapfiles from .gitignore

1.5 (2016-11-18)

  • Changed license from BSD3 to ISC
  • Moved copyright year up to 2016
  • Switched build and execution from cabal/runhaskell to stack
  • Commented out example code that uses regexp, it imposes more deps
  • Some changes to avoid defaultTimeLocale confusion

1.4 (2015-07-04)

  • Added time-locale-compat for backwards compatibility

1.3 (2015-07-03)

  • Most of the commented examples are now live code
  • Replaced deprecated System.Cmd with System.Process
  • Updated copyright date
  • Fixed ambiguous import of defaultTimeLocale
  • Fixed some things in the cabal file
  • Added file

1.2 (2014-02-28)

  • Updated cabal fields
  • Updated copyright date
  • Now using a shorter date format string
  • Updated date/time code for System.Time deprecation

1.1 (2013-09-13)

  • Added a Setup.hs to make this a valid cabalized package
  • Added new utility functions toExitCode, exitBool and forSystem
  • Added custom boringfile

1.0 (2013-04-15)

  • Initial release