@hackage hoopl3.10.2.0

A library to support dataflow analysis and optimization

The hoopl Package Hackage Build Status

Hoopl: A Higher-Order OPtimization Library

API documentation can be found on Hackage.

Directory Contents
paper/ A paper about Hoopl
prototypes/ A sampling of prototypes and early designs
src/ The current official sources to the Cabal package
testing/ Tests, including a sample client. See testing/README

Development Notes

To build the library, change to the src directory and run

cabal configure --prefix=$HOME --user   # we have no idea what this means
cabal build
cabal install --enable-documentation

To run the tests in the folder testing/, change to the src directory and run

cabal configure --enable-tests
cabal test

To run the tests with the test coverage report, change to the src directory and run

cabal configure --enable-tests -f testcoverage
cabal test

You'll need a Haskell Platform, which should include appropriate versions of Cabal and GHC.

Checklist for Making Releases

In order to facilitate GHC development's workflow, the version in hoopl.cabal is to be bumped as soon as a change requires a respective version bump (according to the PVP) relative to the last released hoopl version.

  1. Make sure hoopl passes Travis for all GHC versions in the build-matrix
  2. Update Changelog (& git commit)
  3. Generate source tarball via cabal sdist and upload a candidate to Hackage (see note below), and inspect the result.
  4. If everything checks out, make an annotated and GPG-signed Git release tag: git tag -a -s v${VER} -m "hoopl ${VER}"
  5. Publish (there's a button for that on Hackage) the package candidate
  6. Work on next release

Note: To upload to Hackage,

cabal sdist
cabal upload dist/hoopl-*.tar.gz

However, it's recommended use the Hackage feature for uploading a candidate.