@hackage hls-graph2.2.0.0

Haskell Language Server internal graph API

hls-graph - a limited reimplementation of Shake for in-memory build graphs

ghcide was originally built on top of Shake, a Haskell build system. Nowadays Shake has been replaced by a special purpose implementation of a build graph called hls-graph, which drops all the persistency features in exchange for simplicity and performance.


  • Dynamic dependencies
  • User defined rules (there are no predefined File rules as in Shake)
  • Build reports (a la Shake profiling)
  • "Reactive" change tracking for minimal rebuilds (not available in Shake)

What's missing:

  • Persistence
  • A default set of rules for file system builds
  • A testsuite
  • General purpose application - many design decisions make assumptions specific to ghcide