Changelog of @hackage/hlibBladeRF

Changes in

  • LibBladeRF/Gpio.hs: Type BladeRFGPIOFlags and handle C ret err codes.
  • Handle bladeRFGet{Correction,Frequency} C ret err codes.

Changes in

  • Provide 'BladeRFReturnType' type-alias and replace 'Either BladeRFError a' with 'BladeRFReturnType a'. For brevity and clarity, use a type-alias to wrap the Either error or result context in the return type of the bindings various IO actions.
  • Sync.hs: Handle bladerf_sync_{t,r}x return err codes. Deal with possible return error codes from the C functions, wrapping them in the Either context mapped to the 'BladeRFError' type.

Changes in

  • No need to explicitly pass #. of samples to bladeRFSyncTx since we already have length encoded in the ByteString.
  • Ensure we close the device resource on exception within the bracket of 'withBladeRF'.
  • Generalise bladerf_open() error handling.
  • Wrap C return error codes such that they are translated into typed values of BladeRFError.
  • Provide a primitives to wrap C rets.
  • Map C err values to BladeRFError type.
  • Docs - Make a note about the pre-conditions of bladeRFSynx{R,T}x action calls.
  • Bind bladerf_log_set_verbosity().
  • Use 'BLADERF_SERIAL_LENGTH' const over hard-coded const '33'.

Changes in

  • HLint clean project.
  • When the interface is configured for the 'FORMAT_SC16_Q11' format there is no metadata and so the 'bladeRFSyncTx' action 'BladeRFMetadata' argument is a Maybe type.

Changes in

  • Minor cabal file fixes.
  • Documentation fixes.
  • Remove references to 'bladerf_set_tx_gain()' missing symbol.
  • Moved from malloc to alloca usage, resolves memory leaks.
  • Provide bladeRF{Get,Set}Loopback actions and BladeRFLoopback type.

Changes in

  • Add a change log.
  • LibBladeRF/Flash.hs: Provide untested bladeRFWriteFlash action.
  • hlibBladeRF.cabal: Move Bindings.X.Y into other-modules.