Changelog of @hackage/hledger 0.25.1

User-visible changes in hledger and hledger-lib.

0.25.1 (2015/4/29)

  • timelog: support the description field (#247)

0.25 (2015/4/7)

  • GHC 7.10 compatibility (#239)

  • build with terminfo support on POSIX systems by default

    On non-windows systems, we now build with terminfo support by default, useful for detecting terminal width and other things.

    This requires the C curses dev libaries, which makes POSIX installation slightly harder; if it causes problems you can disable terminfo support with the new curses cabal flag, eg: cabal install -f-curses ... (or cabal might try this automatically, I'm not sure).

  • register: use the full terminal width, respect COLUMNS, allow column width adjustment

    On POSIX systems, register now uses the full terminal width by default. Specifically, the output width is set from:

    1. a --width option
    2. or a COLUMNS environment variable (NB: not the same as a bash shell var)
    3. or on POSIX (non-windows) systems, the current terminal width
    4. or the default, 80 characters.

    Also, register's --width option now accepts an optional description column width following the overall width (--width WIDTH[,DESCWIDTH]). This also sets the account column width, since the available space (WIDTH-41) is divided up between these two columns. Here's a diagram:

    <--------------------------------- width (W) ----------------------------------> date (10) description (D) account (W-41-D) amount (12) balance (12) DDDDDDDDDD dddddddddddddddddddd aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa AAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA

    Examples: $ hledger reg # use terminal width on posix $ hledger reg -w 100 # width 100, equal description/account widths $ hledger reg -w 100,40 # width 100, wider description $ hledger reg -w $COLUMNS,100 # terminal width and set description width

  • balance: new -T/--row-total and -A/--average options

    In multicolumn balance reports, -T/--row-total now shows a row totals column and -A/--average shows a row averages column. This helps eg to see monthly average expenses (hledger bal ^expenses -MA).

    NB our use of -T deviates from Ledger's UI, where -T sets a custom final total expression.

  • balance: -N is now short for --no-total

  • balance: fix partially-visible totals row with --no-total

    A periodic (not using --cumulative or --historical) balance report with --no-total now hides the totals row properly.

  • journal, csv: comment lines can also start with *

    As in Ledger. This means you can embed emacs org/outline-mode nodes in your journal file and manipulate it like an outline.

0.24.1 (2015/3/15)

  • journal: fix balance accumulation across assertions (#195)

    A sequence of balance assertions asserting first one commodity, then another, then the first again, was not working.

  • timelog: show hours with two decimal places instead of one (#237)

  • in weekly reports, simplify week 52's heading like the others

  • disallow trailing garbage in a number of parsers

    Trailing garbage is no longer ignored when parsing the following: balance --format option, register --width option, hledger-rewrite options, hledger add's inputs, CSV amounts, posting amounts, posting dates in tags.

  • allow utf8-string-1 (fpco/stackage/#426)

0.24 (2014/12/25)


  • fix redundant compilation when cabal installing the hledger packages
  • switch to Decimal for representing amounts (#118)
  • report interval headings (eg in balance, register reports) are shown compactly when possible
  • general speedups

Journal format:

  • detect decimal point and digit groups more robustly (#196)
  • check that transaction dates are followed by whitespace or newline
  • check that dates use a consistent separator character
  • balance assertions now are specific to a single commodity, like Ledger (#195)
  • support multi-line comments using "comment", "end comment" directives, like Ledger

CSV format:

  • reading CSV data from stdin now works better
  • the rules file include directive is now relative to the current file's directory (#198)
  • the original order of same-day transactions is now usually preserved (if the records appear to be in reverse date order, we reverse them before finally sorting by transaction date)
  • CSV output is now built in to the balance, print, and register commands, controlled by -O/--output-format (and -o/--output-file, see below)


  • the --width and --debug options now require their argument (#149)
  • when an option is repeated, the last value takes precedence (#219). This is helpful eg for customising your reporting command aliases on the fly.
  • smart dates (used in -p/-b/-e/date:/date2:) now must use a consistent separator character, and must be parseable to the end
  • output destination and format selection is now built in to the balance, print and register commands, controlled by -o/--output-file and -O/--output-format options. Notes:
    • -o - means stdout
    • an output file name suffix matching a supported format will also set the output format, unless overridden by --output-format
    • commands' supported output formats are listed in their command-line help. Two formats are currently available: txt (the default) and csv.
  • balance assertions can be disabled with --ignore-assertions

Account aliases:

  • all matching account aliases are now applied, not just one directive and one option
  • account aliases now match by case insensitive regular expressions matching anywhere in the account name
  • account aliases can replace multiple occurrences of the pattern within an account name
  • an account alias replacement pattern can reference matched groups with \N


  • date:/date2: with a malformed date now reports an error instead of being ignored
  • amt: now supports >= or <=
  • clarify status: docs and behaviour; "*" is no longer a synonym for "1" (fixes #227)


  • fix: in tree mode, --drop is ignored instead of showing empty account names
  • a depth limit of 0 now shows summary items with account name "...", instead of an empty report (#206)
  • in multicolumn balance reports, -E now also shows posting-less accounts with a non-zero balance during the period (in addition to showing leading & trailing empty columns)
  • in multicolumn reports, multi-commodity amounts are rendered on one line for better layout (#186)
  • multicolumn reports' title now includes the report span


  • runs faster with large output
  • supports date2:, and date:/date2: combined with --date2, better (fixes #201, #221, #222)
  • a depth limit of 0 now shows summary items (see balance)
  • -A/--average now implies -E/--empty
  • postings with multi-commodity amounts are now top-aligned, like Ledger

Extra commands:

  • hledger-equity: fix end date in title; print closing entry too
  • hledger-check-dates: added

0.23.3 (2014/9/12)

  • allow text 1.2+ (#207)

0.23.2 (2014/5/8)

  • register: also fix date sorting of postings (#184)

0.23.1 (2014/5/7)

  • register: fix a refactoring-related regression that the tests missed: if transactions were not ordered by date in the journal, register could include postings before the report start date in the output. (#184)
  • add: don't apply a default commodity to amounts on entry (#138)
  • cli: options before the add-on command name are now also passed to it (#182)
  • csv: allow the first name in a fields list to be empty (#178)
  • csv: don't validate fields count in skipped lines (#177)

0.23 (2014/5/1)

Journal format:

  • A # (hash) in column 0 is now also supported for starting a top-level journal comment, like Ledger.
  • The "too many missing amounts" error now reminds about the 2-space rule.
  • Fix: . (period) is no longer parsed as a valid amount.
  • Fix: default commodity directives no longer limit the maximum display precision (#169).
  • Fix: + before an amount is no longer parsed as part of the commodity (#181).


  • Command-line help cleanups, layout improvements.
  • Descriptions are shown for known add-ons in the command list.
  • Command aliases have been simplified.
  • Add-ons can now have any of these file extensions: none, hs, lhs, pl, py, rb, rkt, sh, bat, com, exe.
  • Add-ons are displayed without their file extensions when possible.
  • Add-ons with the same name as a built-in command or alias are ignored.
  • Fix: add-on detection and invocation now works on windows.
  • Fix: add-ons with digits in the name are now found.
  • Fix: add-on arguments containing a single quote now work.
  • Fix: when -- is used to hide add-on options from the main program, it is no longer passed through as an add-on argument.


  • The currency/commodity query prefix (sym:) has been renamed to cur:.
  • Currency/commodity queries are applied more strongly in register and balance reports, filtering out unwanted currencies entirely. Eg hledger balance cur:'$' now reports only the dollar amounts even if there are multi-currency transactions or postings.
  • Amount queries like amt:N, amt:N, where N is not 0, now do an unsigned comparison of the amount and N. That is, they compare the absolute magnitude. To do a signed comparison instead, write N with its sign (eg amt:+N, amt:<+N, amt:>-N).
  • Fix: amount queries no longer give false positives on multi-commodity amounts.


  • An accounts command has been added, similar to Ledger's, for listing account names in flat or hierarchical mode.


  • Tab completion now works at all prompts, and will insert the default if the input area is empty.
  • Account and amount defaults are more robust and useful.
  • Transactions may also be completed by the enter key, when there are no more default postings.
  • Input prompts are displayed in a different colour when supported.


  • Balance reports in flat mode now always show exclusive (subaccount-excluding) balances.
  • Balance reports in flat mode with --depth now aggregate deeper accounts at the depth limit instead of excluding them.
  • Multicolumn reports in flat mode now support --drop.
  • Multicolumn balance reports can now show the account hierarchy with --tree.
  • Multicolumn report start/end dates are adjusted to encompass the displayed report periods, so the first and last periods are "full" and comparable to the others.
  • Fix: zero-balance leaf accounts below a non-zero-balance parent are no longer always shown (#170).
  • Fix: multicolumn reports now support --date2 (cf #174).

balancesheet, cashflow, incomestatement:

  • These commands now support --flat and --drop.


  • Tag queries (tag:) will now match a transaction if any of its postings match.


  • The --display option has been dropped. To see an accurate running total which includes the prior starting balance, use --historical/-H (like balance).
  • With a report interval, report start/end dates are adjusted to encompass the displayed periods, so the first and last periods are "full" and comparable to the others.
  • Fix: --date2 now works with report intervals (fixes #174).


  • Default report dates now derive from the secondary dates when --date2 is in effect.
  • Default report dates now notice any posting dates outside the transaction dates' span.
  • Debug output improvements.
  • New add-on example: extra/hledger-rewrite.hs, adds postings to matched entries.
  • Compatible with GHC 7.2 (#155) - GHC 7.8, shakespeare 2

0.22.2 (2014/4/16)

  • display years before 1000 with four digits, not three
  • avoid pretty-show to build with GHC < 7.4
  • allow text 1.1, drop data-pprint to build with GHC 7.8.x

0.22.1 (2014/1/6) and older: see or doc/