Changelog of @hackage/hledger-ui 1.0.1

User-visible changes in hledger-ui. See also the hledger and project change logs.

1.0.1 (2016/10/27)

  • allow megaparsec 5.0 or 5.1

1.0 (2016/10/26)

accounts screen

  • at depth 0, show accounts on one "All" line and show all transactions in the register

  • 0 now sets depth limit to 0 instead of clearing it

  • always use --no-elide for a more regular accounts tree

register screen

  • registers can now include/exclude subaccount transactions.

    The register screen now includes subaccounts' transactions if the accounts screen was in tree mode, or when showing an account which was at the depth limit. Ie, it always shows the transactions contributing to the balance displayed on the accounts screen. As on the accounts screen, F toggles between tree mode/subaccount txns included by default and flat mode/subaccount txns excluded by default. (At least, it does when it would make a difference.)

  • register transactions are filtered by realness and status (#354).

    Two fixes for the account transactions report when --real/--cleared/real:/status: are in effect, affecting hledger-ui and hledger-web:

    1. exclude transactions which affect the current account via an excluded posting type. Eg when --real is in effect, a transaction posting to the current account with only virtual postings will not appear in the report.

    2. when showing historical balances, don't count excluded posting types in the starting balance. Eg with --real, the starting balance will be the sum of only the non-virtual prior postings.

      This is complicated and there might be some ways to confuse it still, causing wrongly included/excluded transactions or wrong historical balances/running totals (transactions with both real and virtual postings to the current account, perhaps ?)

  • show more accurate dates when postings have their own dates.

    If postings to the register account matched by the register's filter query have their own dates, we show the earliest of these as the transaction date.


  • H toggles between showing "historical" or "period" balances (#392).

    By default hledger-ui now shows historical balances, which include transactions before the report start date (like hledger balance --historical). Use the H key to toggle to "period" mode, where balances start from 0 on the report start date.

  • shift arrow keys allow quick period browsing

    • shift-down narrows to the next smaller standard period (year/quarter/month/week/day), shift-up does the reverse
    • when narrowed to a standard period, shift-right/left moves to the next/previous period
    • `t` sets the period to today.
  • a runs the add command

  • E runs $HLEDGER_UI_EDITOR or $EDITOR or a default editor (vi) on the journal file.

    When using emacs or vi, if a transaction is selected the cursor will be positioned at its journal entry.

  • / key sets the filter query; BACKSPACE/DELETE clears it

  • Z toggles display of zero items (like --empty), and they are shown by default.

    -E/--empty is now the default for hledger-ui, so accounts with 0 balance and transactions posting 0 change are shown by default. The Z key toggles this, entering "nonzero" mode which hides zero items.

  • R toggles inclusion of only real (non-virtual) postings

  • U toggles inclusion of only uncleared transactions/postings

  • I toggles balance assertions checking, useful for troubleshooting

  • vi-style movement keys are now supported (for help, you must now use ? not h) (#357)

  • ESC cancels minibuffer/help or clears the filter query and jumps to top screen

  • ENTER has been reserved for later use

  • reloading now preserves any options and modes in effect

  • reloading on the error screen now updates the message rather than entering a new error screen

  • the help dialog is more detailed, includes the hledger-ui manual, and uses the full terminal width if needed

  • the header/footer content is more efficient; historical/period and tree/flat modes are now indicated in the footer

  • date: query args on the command line now affect the report period.

    A date2: arg or --date2 flag might also affect it (untested).

  • hledger-ui now uses the quicker-building microlens

0.27.3 (2016/1/12)

  • allow brick 0.4

0.27.2 (2016/1/11)

  • allow brick 0.3.x

0.27.1 (2015/12/3)

  • allow lens 4.13
  • make reloading work on the transaction screen

0.27 (2015/10/30)

  • hledger-ui is a new curses-style UI, intended to be a standard part of the hledger toolset for all users (except on native MS Windows, where the vty lib is not yet supported).

    The UI is quite simple, allowing just browsing of accounts and transactions, but it has a number of improvements over the old hledger-vty, which it replaces:

    • adapts to screen size
    • handles wide characters
    • shows multi-commodity amounts on one line
    • manages cursor and scroll position better
    • allows depth adjustment
    • allows --flat toggle
    • allows --cleared toggle
    • allows journal reloading
    • shows a more useful transaction register, like hledger-web
    • offers multiple color themes
    • includes some built-in help

    hledger-ui is built with brick, a new higher-level UI library based on vty, making it relatively easy to grow and maintain.