@hackage hleap0.1.2.6

Web Socket interface to Leap Motion controller

Web Socket interface for Leap Motion controllers

This Haskell package contains functions for interfacing with Leap Motion controllers, <https://www.leapmotion.com/product/desktop>. It is based on the WebSocket API <https://developer.leapmotion.com/documentation/javascript/supplements/Leap_JSON.html> and inspired by <https://bitbucket.org/turion/jedinight/>.

It has been tested with Service Version 2.3.1+31549 of the Web Sockets server from Leap Motion.

Skeletal example

This simple example program prints all Leap Motion events:

main :: IO ()
main =
  runWithHandler def [setFocused True, setGestures True] $ \event ->
    print (event :: Event Float)