@hackage highlight0.1.0.0

Command line tool for highlighting parts of files matching a regex.


Build Status Hackage Stackage LTS Stackage Nightly BSD3 license

highlight is a

For example, imagine the following Haskell data types and values:

data Foo = Foo { foo1 :: Integer , foo2 :: [String] } deriving Show

foo :: Foo
foo = Foo 3 ["hello", "goodbye"]

data Bar = Bar { bar1 :: Double , bar2 :: [Foo] } deriving Show

bar :: Bar
bar = Bar 10.55 [foo, foo]

If you run this in ghci and type print bar, you'll get output like this:

> print bar
Bar {bar1 = 10.55, bar2 = [Foo {foo1 = 3, foo2 = ["hello","goodbye"]},Foo {foo1 = 3, foo2 = ["hello","goodbye"]}]}

This is pretty hard to read. Imagine if there were more fields or it were even more deeply nested. It would be even more difficult to read.

pretty-simple can be used to print bar in an easy-to-read format:

example screenshot



Why not (some other package)?


Feel free to open an issue or PR for any bugs/problems/suggestions/improvements.

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