Changelog of @hackage/hgeometry


  • Compatibility with GHC 8.0-8.4
  • Implemented more Algorithms and Data Structures. This includes
    • Polygon triangulation
  • A new implementation of PlanarSubdivision that now also supports disconnected subdivsions.
  • Performance improvements by changing to a different Vector implementation. For low dimensional vectors (of dimension at most four) we now essentially use the types from linear, this gives significant speedups on several small benchmarks.
  • bugfixes.


  • Implemented more Algorithms and Data Structures. This includes
    • Bentley-Ottmannn line-segment intersection,
    • Well-Separated Pair decompositions,
    • extremal point/tangents for Convex hulls,
    • Minkowski sum for convex polygons,
    • one dimensional segment trees,
    • one dimensional interval trees, and a
    • KD-tree.
  • Several bug fixes, including a very stupid bug in Box
  • Separate ConvexPolygon type.
  • More thorough testing for some of the algorithms.
  • Started work on a proper representation for planar subdivsions. This includes a representation of planar graphs that support querying if two vertices are connected by an edge in \(O(1)\) time.
  • Dropped support for GHC 7.8


  • Implemented several algorithms, including Delaunay Triangulation, EMST, and Douglas Peucker.
  • Revamped the data types for Intersections


  • Major rewrite from scratch, providing much stronger type-level guarantees. Incompatible with older versions.
  • Convex Hull and Smallest enclosing disk algorithms.
  • HGeometry now includes some very experimental and preliminary support for reading and writing Ipe7 files.

0.2 & 0.3

  • Internal releases.


  • Fixed a bug in point on n the line segment test
  • Generalized the types of inCircle, inDisc, onCircle, onDisc etc. We now need only that the type representing precision model implements the typeclass Num instead of `Floating'.


  • Initial release.