@hackage hedgehog-quickcheck0.1

Use QuickCheck generators in Hedgehog and vice versa.

hedgehog-quickcheck Hackage

Hedgehog will eat all your bugs.

Use QuickCheck generators in Hedgehog and vice versa.


The Hedgehog.Gen.QuickCheck module allows the use of QuickCheck generators inside Hedgehog.

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

import           Hedgehog
import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen
import qualified Hedgehog.Gen.QuickCheck as Gen
import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range

Once you have your imports set up, you can write a property which mixes QuickCheck and Hedgehog generators together:

prop_reverse :: Property
prop_reverse =
  property $ do
    xs <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 100) (Gen.arbitrary :: Gen Char)
    reverse (reverse xs) === xs

And add the Template Haskell splice which will discover your properties:

tests :: IO Bool
tests =
  checkParallel $$(discover)

You can then load the module in GHCi, and run it:

λ tests
━━━ Test.Example ━━━
  ✓ prop_reverse passed 100 tests.