@hackage haskell-rules0.1.0.1

A DSL for expressing natural deduction rules in Haskell.

Rule DSEL with Examples Steve Kollmansberger and Martin Erwig


Requires GHC 6.2 or 6.4. You must adjust a setting in TypeGU.hs based on this!

The default setting assumes GHC 6.4. If you are using 6.4, you don't need to make any changes. If, however, you are using GHC 6.2, open TypeGU.hs and comment out lines 16 and 17.

In addition, glasgow extensions are required. You can start the examples with

ghci -fglasgow-exts Type_.hs

where _ is the appropriate name, see below.

Other Haskell compilers/versions not tested. Your mileage may vary.


The core DSEL files are:

NDSM.hs Non-deterministic state monad TypeGU.hs Generic unification, substitution, and structures TypeGT.hs Rule DSEL, including lifting


TypeFV.hs Determine if a variable is free in a lambda term TypeFVSet.hs Determine the set of free variables in a lambda term TypeLam.hs Type inference for lambda calculus TypeChgTrad.hs The first (par, arg, def) type change system TypeChgMin.hs The second (vchg) type change system TypeChgPlus.hs Concrete change suggestions

Supporting file:

TypeChg.hs Foundation for all type change examples