@hackage haskelisp0.1.0.4

Write Emacs module in Haskell, using Emacs 25's Dynamic Module feature


Write Emacs module in Haskell, using Emacs 25's Dynamic Module feature.

  • Only tested with linux.
  • You need to build emacs with --with-modules configuration options
  • You need to specify some ghc-options to make it work


{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface,OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where

import Emacs

foreign export ccall "emacs_module_init" emacsModuleInit :: EmacsModule

emacsModuleInit :: EmacsModule
emacsModuleInit = defmodule "sample-module" $ do

  setVal "foo" (Symbol "bar")

  defun "square" $ \i -> do
    message "haskell squre function called"
    return $ (i*i :: Int)