@hackage hackage-repo-tool0.1.1.2

Manage secure file-based package repositories

hackage-repo-tool: Manage secure file-based package repositories

Please refer to the package description for an overview of hackage-repo-tool, TUF and hackage-security.

Setting up a secure file-based repo

A file-based repository (as opposed to one running the actual Hackage software) is much easier to set up and will suffice for many purposes. Note that such a local file-based package repository can be turned into a remotely accessible secure package repository by any HTTP server supporting static file serving such as Nginx or Apache httpd.

  1. Create a directory ~/my-secure-repo containing a single subdirectory ~/my-secure-repo/package. Put whatever packages you want to make available from your repo in this subdirectory. At this point your repository might look like


    (Due to #174 this folder must contain at least one package tarball or hackage-repo-tool will fail in non-obvious ways)

    Note the flat directory structure: different packages and different versions of those packages all live in the one directory.

  2. Create public and private keys:

    # hackage-repo-tool create-keys \
                        --keys ~/my-private-keys

    This will create a directory structure such as


    containing keys for all the various TUF roles.

    Note that these keys are stored outside of the repository proper.

  3. Create the initial TUF metadata and construct an index using

    # hackage-repo-tool bootstrap \
                        --repo ~/my-secure-repo \
                        --keys ~/my-private-keys

    This will create a directory ~/my-secure-repo/index containing the .cabal files (extracted from the package tarballs) and TUF metadata for all packages


    and package the contents of that directory up as the index tarball ~/my-secure-repo/00-index.tar.gz; it will also create the top-level metadata files

  4. The timestamp and snapshot are valid for three days, so you will need to resign these files regularly using

    # hackage-repo-tool update \
                        --repo ~/my-secure-repo \
                        --keys ~/my-private-keys

    You can use the same command whenever you add any additional packages to your repository.

  5. If you now make this directory available (for instance, by pointing Apache httpd at it) you'll be able to use cabal to access it remotely by defining an appropriate repository stanza:

    repository my-secure-repo
      url: http://packages.example.org/
      secure: True
      root-keys: 2ae741f4c4a5f70ed6e6c48762e0d7a493d8dd265e9cbc6c4037dfc7ceaec70e
      key-threshold: 2

    Note that the keys in example above must be replaced: You need to copy the root key IDs from your generated root.json file (or you can set key-threshold to 0 if you're aware of the security implications)