@hackage grapefruit-examples0.1.0.5

Examples using the Grapefruit library

Grapefruit is a library for Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) with a focus on user interfaces. FRP makes it possible to implement reactive and interactive systems in a declarative style. To learn more about FRP, have a look at http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Functional_Reactive_Programming.

This package contains a collection of examples using Grapefruit.

For running an example, you can start GHCi and enter the following:

import Graphics.UI.Grapefruit.Circuit
import Graphics.UI.Grapefruit.UIBackend
import Examples.Grapefruit.Example
run UIBackend mainCircuit ()

Replace Example with the name of the example to run and UIBackend with the name of the UI backend you want to use. At the moment, the only examples are Simple, Switching, Converter, ListView, and SetView, and the only UI backend is GTK.