@hackage ghc-hs-meta0.1.5.0

Translate Haskell source to Template Haskell expression


Generate Template Haskell expressions from Haskell source code using the GHC parser. This package runs on GHC versions 8.10, 9.0, 9.2, 9.4, 9.6, 9.8 and 9.10.


Pass a String containing Haskell source code to parseExp. Example from the tests:

case parseExp "a @b" of
    Right exp -> exp `shouldBe` TH.AppTypeE (TH.VarE (TH.mkName "a")) (TH.VarT (TH.mkName "b"))
    Left (_, _, errMsg) -> error errMsg

See Hackage documentation for more documentation.

Thank you, PyF

This code originated from the excellent parser included in the PyF package. I extracted the relevant code and refactored/renamed things to be usable in a more general context. Without PyF, this could wouldn't have been possible. Thank you!

The original license for PyF can be found in the LICENSE-PyF file included in this repository.