@hackage funbot0.4

IRC bot for fun, learning, creativity and collaboration.


An IRC bot for learning, fun and collaboration in the Freepost community. There is a project page here.


See the .cabal file for more info and link to project website and version control.

The official download location is the Git repository:


Occasionally, releases may be made to Hackage, the Haskell package repository. See http://hackage.haskell.org/package/funbot.

Some of the dependency libraries may have recent features not released to Hackage yet. See the guide linked at the bottom for their clone URLs. If you use a released version of funbot, you can safely install all the dependencies from Hackage as usual.

This program is free software, and is committed to software freedom. It is released to the public domain using the CC0 Public Domain Dedication. For the boring "legal" details see the file COPYING.

See the file INSTALL.md for a detailed usage and deployment guide. The file ChangeLog explains how to see the history log of the changes done in the code. NEWS.md provides a friendly overview of the changes for each release.

Reporting Bugs and Suggesting Features

If you found a bug, or you have an idea, a feature request or a wishlist item, open a ticket for it! Even if you're goint to implement something or try to solve it.

Use NotABug's issue system.

User/Contributor Guide

There is a detailed guide for running the bot and creating a development setup. It's in the INSTALL.md file.

If you're going to implement some feature or fix some bug you found, start by opening an issue so that other people will know which features are being developed and who does what.