Changelog of @hackage/fishfood

2013-07-16 Dr. Alistair Ward

* First version of the package.

* Added **man/man1/fishfood.1** & *.spec*-file to the distribution.

* Migrated all but the I/O, from **Main** to a new module **FishFood.Profiler**.
* Added module **FishFood.Test**, containing **Test.QuickCheck**-implementation.
* Added Command-line options; **--deriveProbabilityMassFunction**, **--binSizeRatio**, **--runQuickChecks**.

* Added files to build *.deb* to the *.cabal*-file.

* Added **--runQuickChecks** to **man/man1/fishfood.1** & corrected typo.
* Improved the syntax of **verbosity** in the usage-message.
* Tested with **haskell-platform-2013.2.0.0**.

* In module **FishFood.Data.File**, replaced `Control.Exception.throw` with `Control.Exception.throwIO`.
* Either replaced instances of `(<$>)` with `fmap` to avoid ambiguity between **Control.Applicative** & **Prelude** which (from **base-4.8**) also exports this symbol, or hid the symbol when importing the **Prelude**..
* In module **Main**, redirected version-message to stderr.

* Added the compiler to the output returned for the command-line option **version**.
* In module **FishFood.Data.File.hs**, replaced the use of the package **unix** with the package **directory**, for compatibility with Windows.

* Added **Default-language**-specification to the *.cabal*-file.
* Added file **README.markdown**.
* Converted this file to markdown-format.
* Replaced `System.Exit.exitWith System.Exit.ExitSuccess` with `System.Exit.exitSuccess`.
* Moved the entry-point to the test-suite from **Main.hs** to **Test.hs**, both to integrate with **cabal** & to minimise the dependencies of the executable.
* Partitioned the source-files into **src-lib**, **src-exe**, & **src-test** directories, & referenced them individually from the *.cabal*-file to avoid repeated compilation.
* Used **CPP** to control the import of symbols from **Control.Applicative**.