Changelog of @hackage/extensible 0.9.1


  • Supported GHCs up to 9.8 (#38 by @kgtkr)
  • Exported Assoc, (>:), and Lookup from Data.Extensible.Effect
  • Added coinclusionAssoc, wrenchAssoc, and retrenchAssoc (#36 by @At-sushi)


  • Removed FieldName, the relic of the old ages
    • (@=), @==, @!? and lasso now take Proxy instead of FieldName. Those who are using mkField need to replace the operands with proxies (OverloadedLabels is recommended).
  • Supported aeson 1.x
  • Introduced IsLabel flag which toggles the presence of optics OverloadedLabels. By disabling it, this package can now coexist with other users of the IsLabel class, such as generic-lens and relational-query.


  • Comp is now a pattern synonym for Compose
  • Added missing liftTyped implementations
  • Supported aeson-2.0


  • Added DefaultOrdered and Incremental instances to :&
  • Added an Incremental instance to Field


  • Removed Associate, AssocKey, AssocValue, ValueIs, KeyIs, KeyValue, proxyAssocKey, proxyAssocValue, stringAssokKey, xlb, :*, :|
  • Reverted deprecation of Data.Extensible.Tangle


  • Removed vector and prettyprinter orphans
  • Deprecated Data.Extensible.Tangle; use tangle
  • parseJSON gives more informative failure messages on failure
  • Supported barbies ^>= 2


  • Moved Data.Extensible.Effect into new extensible-skeleton package
  • Instances for barbies and cassava are now optional
  • Deprecated 訊


  • Added fromNullable
  • Added xlb
  • Added a HasField instance for RecordOf
  • Removed deriveIsRecord
  • Supported GHC 8.8


  • Added a MonadCont instance for Eff
  • (:*) and (:|) are deprecated in favour of (:&) and (:*) where their type parameters are flipped
  • Flipped the type parameters of BitProd and TangleT
  • Added itemKey, hmapWithIndexWith, hfoldMapWith, hfoldMapWithIndexWith, hfoldrWithIndexWith, hfoldlWithIndexWith, hrepeatWith, htabulateWith, and hgenerateWith


  • Split Data.Extensible.HList and Data.Extensible.Internal to the membership package
  • AssocKey, AssocValue, ValueIs, KeyValue and their related combinators are deprecated. Use ones from membership
  • IsRecord now has a generic default implementation
  • Deprecated deriveIsRecord


  • GHC older than 8.4 is no longer supported
  • Removed Const'
  • Data.Extensible.Plain is no longer exported from Data.Extensible
  • Added wrap and unwrap to Wrapper
  • Added (=<:)

  • Fixed build on GHC 8.6


  • Added a MonadResource, MonadThrow, and MonadCatch instances for Eff
  • Proxy and KnownSymbol are now reexported from Data.Extensible


  • Generalised the MonadIO instance for Eff to (MonadIO m, Associate "IO" m xs) => MonadIO (Eff xs)
  • Added And :: (k -> Constraint) -> (k -> Constraint) -> k -> Constraint
  • Added Semigroup and Monoid instances for Const'
  • Added stringAssocKey :: (IsString a, KnownSymbol (AssocKey kv)) => proxy kv -> a
  • Added a Wrapper instance for Either e
  • Added instances of Pretty and Lift
  • Added hmapWithIndexFor


  • Changed the FromJSON instance for Record to call parseJSON Null for missing fields
  • Added FromJSON and ToJSON instances for Nullable (Field h) :* xs

  • Added cassava's ToNamedRecord, ToRecord, FromNamedRecord and FromRecord instances
  • Added KeyIs and ValueIs
  • Added FromJSON and ToJSON instances for (:*)

  • Fixed weird CPP errors on macOS 10.13.2 (#18)
  • Added optFlag, optLastArg, and optionOptArg


  • Made various optimisations to improve the compilation time
  • Added trivial instances for FromBits
  • Generalised the API of Data.Extensible.GetOpt


  • New module Data.Extensible.GetOpt
  • Added fromBitProd
  • Added Hashable instances for :*, :|, BitProd, Membership, and various wrappers
  • Added an Unbox instance for :*
  • Added hfoldlWithIndex and hfoldlWithIndexFor


  • Added nothingEff
  • Added happend
  • Added Arbitrary instances for :*, :|, and wrappers
  • Added Data.Extensible.Bits


  • Added contEff and runContEff
  • Added castEff
  • Added evalStateEff
  • Added Semigroup and Monoid instances for Match, Comp, Prod
  • Added evalStateDef, execStateDef, and execWriterDef
  • Added mkFieldAs
  • Added a Bounded instance for :*


  • Added WrappedPointer
  • Added NFData and Generic instances for Comp
  • Added a Semigroup instance for h :* xs and Membership xs x
  • Added Prod
  • Added peelEff0
  • Changed the IsLabel instance so that a function is always inferred as an optic
  • Data.Extensible.Class now exports compareMembership
  • Renamed runMembership to leadership


  • Made newFrom strict
  • pieceAt for (:*) is now strict
  • Added (<!)
  • Added peelEff1, peelAction0, execStateEff, execWriterEff
  • Added atomic operations for Struct
  • Added constrained variants of folds


  • Added hforce
  • Added an NFData instance for (:*) and :|
  • Added a rule to fuse a chain of product updates
  • Added a Monoid instance for TangleT
  • Added (@==)
  • #foo can now be overloaded as FieldOptic "foo"


  • Added Data.Extensible.Struct
  • Changed the representation of (:*) to use SmallArray
  • Removed (<:*). hhead, htail, huncons, (*++*), htrans
  • New functions: hfoldrWithIndex, hrepeat, hrepeatFor, haccumMap, haccum, hpartition, henumerate, hlength, hcount
  • Added various derived instances for Field
  • Added liftField, liftField2
  • Added Wrapper instances for Maybe and []
  • Added >: as a synonym for :>
  • Data.Extensible.Effect
    • Refined the API
    • Added Data.Extensible.Effect.Default
  • Added Data.Extensible.Tangle
  • Added record
  • Type inference aids

  • pieceAt for (:*) is now index-preserving
  • Removed sector, sectorAt, picked


  • Support GHC 8.0
  • Added a Monoid instance for Field
  • Added Data.Extensible.Record
  • Added Enum and Bounded instances for Proxy :| xs
  • Removed Data.Extensible.Union


  • Added (@:>)
  • Added (!-!!), nihility, squash


  • Added Data.Extensible.Effect
  • Added decEffects


  • Added Data.Extensible.Wrapper
  • Added itemAt, item, itemAssoc
  • Safe Haskell
  • Generalized Field


  • Renamed sectorAt, sector, sectorAssoc to pieceAt, piece, pieceAssoc, respectively
  • picked is now subsumed by piece
    • mkField yields more generalized optics
  • Renamed UnionAt to EmbedAt
  • Removed clause; Use piece . _Match
  • Removed record; Use piece . _K0
  • Added htraverseWithIndex
  • Renamed ord to mkMembership
  • Fixed the Show instance of :|
  • Added Variant


  • Added Associate class and combinators around it
  • Data.Extensible.Record now lets values be independent from keys
    • mkField requires 1 argument
  • Added Data.Extensible.Union, partially taking elevator's functionality
  • Removed old Data.Extensible.Union and Data.Extensible.League
  • Removed (<?!)


  • Removed Reifiable
  • Now library yields desired dictionaries
  • Added remember
  • Added strike and strikeAt


  • Renamed generate to htabulate
  • Renamed generateA to hgenerate
  • Renamed generateFor to htabulateFor
  • Renamed generateForA to hgenerateFor
  • Renamed htabulate to hmapWithIndex
  • Added (<@=>)
  • Added Comp
  • Fixed badly-specialized htraverse
  • Added hsequence, hdistribute, hcollect
  • Added hindex


  • Optimized sector (~2x)


  • Renamed (<?~) to (<?!$)
  • Renamed (<$?~) to (<?!~)
  • Refactored Data.Extensible.Dictionary
  • Supported serialization/deserialization of products using binary


  • Improved performance considerably


  • Added accessing
  • Added decFields and decFieldsDeriving
  • Renamed Position to Membership


  • Right-associated (++)
  • Added htrans
  • Added recordType
  • Made Eq, Ord, Show instances for Position more reasonable


  • Added (<:)
  • Re-exported Data.Extensible.Record, Data.Extensible.Union, Data.Extensible.League
  • Brushed instances up
  • Added subset
  • Added Data.Extensible.Internal.HList and combinators


  • Corrected the definition of Half
  • Added coinclusion, wrench, retrench along with Nullable
  • Added htabulate


  • Corrected the behavior of Generate and Forall
  • Made type errors more readable
  • Added (*++*)
  • Fixed the accidental miscall of getUnion


  • Added recordAt
  • Added ord
  • Re-added K1
  • Toggled INLINE pragmas


  • Added hhead and htail
  • Changed the definition of Union to use coyoneda style


  • Split modules up
  • Flipped Position
  • Added several combinators