Changelog of @hackage/erebos-tester 0.2.1

Revision history for erebos-tester

0.2.1 -- 2024-05-14

  • Selection of test from test file path on command line using ':' charater
  • Added --repeat option to run the tests multiple times
  • Added --wait option to wait at the end of each test
  • Added 'flush' command
  • Show record selectors in failure reports
  • Compatibility with GHC up to 9.8

0.2.0 -- 2023-04-26

  • Lists and "for" statement.
  • Subnets of networks.
  • Commands to disconnect nodes or networks.

0.1.1 -- 2023-02-04

  • GDB improvements and fixes.

0.1.0 -- 2023-01-08

  • First version.