Changelog of @hackage/elm-street


elm-street uses PVP Versioning. The changelog is available on GitHub. - May 16, 2024

  • Relax version bounds of warp, text and filepath - Jan 4, 2024

  • Version bumps to allow building with GHC 9.8.1
  • Remove GHC 8.10.7 from CI - Aug 3, 2023

  • Add missing extra-source-files: test/golden/oneType.json to cabal - Aug 3, 2023

  • Add GHC 9.4.5 and 9.6.2 to CI / tested-with
  • Introduce CodeGenOptions to allow customizing record field names. - Mar 29, 2022

  • Remove GHC 8.4.4 and 8.6.5 from CI / tested-with
  • Add GHC 8.10.7, 9.0.2 and 9.2.2 to CI / tested-with
  • Support Json.Decode.Value as primitive
  • Add primitive to represent NonEmpty lists as (a, List a) on elm side
  • Add overlapping instance for Elm String, to ensure that Haskell Strings are represented as String on Elm side (not as List Char) - Jan 28, 2020

  • Bump prettyprinter upper bound to allow building with lts-17.0 - Jun 29, 2020

  • Update to lts-16.2 — Sep 13, 2019

  • #89: Regulate parenthesis on complicated types in encoder, decoder and type generation. — Sep 6, 2019

  • Fix newtype qualified import bug in Types.elm generated module.
  • Allow pretty-printer-1.3 version. — Sep 6, 2019

  • #80: Important: All encoders for constructors with fields now have tag due to aeson decoder on Haskell side.

    Migration guide 1: Rename fields that will have tag name on the Elm side.

    Migration guide 2: If you have manual ToJSON instances that communicate with Elm via generated decoders, you need to add tag field with the constructor name:

    data User = User { ... }
    instance ToJSON User where
        toJSON = [ "tag" .= ("User" :: Text), ... ]
  • #71: Breaking change: Remove overlapping instance for String.

    Migration guide: Use Text instead of String.

  • #70: Use qualified imports of generated types and function in Elm generated files.

  • #74: Fix unit type typeRef encoder and decoder printers.

  • #72: Use consistent encoders and decoders for unary constructors.

  • #79: Implement cross-language golden tests.

  • #76: Support GHC-8.6.5. Use common stanzas.

  • #86: Refactor Elm.Print module and split into multiple smaller modules.

  • #73: Clarify the restriction with reserved words in documentation.

  • #90 Support converting 3-tuples.

  • #6: Test generated Elm code on CI.

0.0.1 — Mar 29, 2019

  • #64: Fix indentation for the generated enums.
  • #66: Patch JSON encoders and decoders for sum types with a single field.


  • Initially created.