@hackage digest0.0.2.0

CRC32 and Adler32 hashes for bytestrings

This package provides efficient hash implementations for strict and lazy bytestrings. For now, CRC32 and Adler32 are supported; they are implemented as FFI bindings to efficient code from zlib.

  • Installation

  • Tested Compilers

  • Dependencies (3)

  • Dependents (17)

    @hackage/minio-hs, @hackage/zip-conduit, @hackage/snappy-c, @hackage/lzo, @hackage/milena, @hackage/zip-stream, Show all…
  • Package Flags

       (on by default)

      Use pkg-config(1) to locate zlib library.

       (off by default)

      The cxx compiler has the __builtin_prefetch intrinsic.

       (off by default)

      Targeting X86 and the compiler has the _mm_prefetch intrinsic.

       (off by default)

      Can be enabled to improve performance of CRC32C if targeting X86 and the compiler has the _mm_crc32_u{8,32,64} intrinsics.

       (off by default)

      Targeting ARM and the compiler has the __crc32c{b,h,w,d} and the vmull_p64 intrinsics.

       (off by default)

      The system libraries have the getauxval function in the sys/auxv.h header. Should be true on Linux and Android API level 20+.

       (off by default)

      The compiler supports defining getauxval as a weak symbol. Should be true for any compiler that supports attribute((weak)).