@hackage diagrams-canvas1.3.0.7

HTML5 canvas backend for diagrams drawing EDSL


diagrams-canvas is a canvas backend for diagrams based on the blank-canvas https://github.com/ku-fpg/blank-canvas package. Diagrams is a powerful, flexible, declarative domain-specific language for creating vector graphics, using the Haskell programming language. It supports most features defined in diagrams-lib.


cabal update && cabal install diagrams-canvas


A simple example that uses diagrams-canvas to draw a square.

import Diagrams.Prelude
import Diagrams.Backend.Canvas.CmdLine

b1 = square 20 # lw 0.002

main = mainWith (pad 1.1 b1)

Save this to file named Square.hs and compile this program:

ghc --make -threaded Square.hs

This will generate an executable which, when run dispays the resulting diagrams to http://localhost:3000/

$ ./Square -w 750