Changelog of @hackage/d10 1


  • Initial release


  • Improve error messages when quasi-quoters are used in a non-expression context


  • Add functions for generating Template Haskell expressions to be spliced, as alternatives to using the quasi-quoters


  • Add Template Haskell splice patterns d10Pat and d10ListPat
  • Define quotePat for the quasi-quoters d10 and d10list, so they can now be used with pattern matching
  • Add Integral a constraint to d10 and d10list in the Data.D10.Num module, because this is needed for the definition of quotePat.


  • Add to package distribution


  • Add functions mod-10 arithmetic functions: (+), (-), (*)


  • Support GHC 8.8


  • Support GHC 8.10


  • Support doctest-0.17


In module Data.D10.Char:

  • Removed isD10Str (see Data.D10.Predicate)
  • Type of d10Exp changed from Integral a => a -> Q Exp to Integer -> Q Exp
  • Type of d10Pat changed from D10 -> Q Pat to Integer -> Q Pat
  • Type of d10ListPat changed from [D10] -> Q Pat to String -> Q Pat

In module Data.D10.Num:

  • Removed isD10Str (see Data.D10.Predicate)
  • Type of d10Exp changed from (Integral b, Lift a, Num a) => b -> Q Exp to Integer -> Q Exp
  • Type of d10ListExp changed from (Lift a, Num a) => String -> Q Exp to String -> Q Exp
  • Type of d10Pat changed from Integral a => D10 a -> Q Pat to Integer -> Q Pat
  • Type of d10ListPat changed from Integral a => [D10 a] -> Q Pat to String -> Q Pat
  • Type of d10 changed from (Lift a, Integral a) => QuasiQuoter to QuasiQuoter
  • Type of d10list changed from (Lift a, Integral a) => QuasiQuoter to QuasiQuoter
  • Although type variables no longer appear in the various Template Haskell functions, the expressions and patterns they generate are polymorphic.

In module Data.D10.Safe:

  • The D10 type now has instances of the Data and Generic.
  • Type of d10ListPat changed from [D10] -> Q Pat to String -> Q Pat
  • Removed d10Exp, d10Pat, and d10

Other changes:

  • doctest test dependency has been removed, and hedgehog dependency has been added instead


  • Support GHC 9.0, base 4.15, template-haskell 2.17


Removed the Data prefix from module names.

  • Data.D10.Char is now D10.Char
  • Data.D10.Num is now D10.Num
  • Data.D10.Predicate is now D10.Predicate
  • Data.D10.Safe is now D10.Safe

Constructors for D10 are no longer exported by the modules formerly known as Data.D10.Char and Data.D10.Num. They have moved to the new modules D10.Char.Unsafe and D10.Num.Unsafe respectively.

Operators (+), (-), and (*) have been moved into their own separate modules, as the names conflict with Prelude functions. These new modules are:

  • D10.Char.Arithmetic
  • D10.Num.Arithmetic
  • D10.Safe.Arithmetic

Other new modules:

  • D10.Char.Conversions
  • D10.Char.Quotes
  • D10.Char.Splices
  • D10.Char.Type
  • D10.Num.Conversions
  • D10.Num.Quotes
  • D10.Num.Splices
  • D10.Num.Type
  • D10.Safe.Conversions
  • D10.Safe.Quotes
  • D10.Safe.Splices
  • D10.Safe.Type

All instances of the Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax.Lift class have been removed

Added Safe Haskell language flags (Safe, Trustworthy, Unsafe) to indicate which modules permit constructing invalid values

Required Cabal version required is raised from 2.2 to 3.0