Changelog of @hackage/d10


  • Initial release


  • Improve error messages when quasi-quoters are used in a non-expression context


  • Add functions for generating Template Haskell expressions to be spliced, as alternatives to using the quasi-quoters


  • Add Template Haskell splice patterns d10Pat and d10ListPat
  • Define quotePat for the quasi-quoters d10 and d10list, so they can now be used with pattern matching
  • Add Integral a constraint to d10 and d10list in the Data.D10.Num module, because this is needed for the definition of quotePat.


  • Add to package distribution


  • Add functions mod-10 arithmetic functions: (+), (-), (*)


  • Support GHC 8.8


  • Support GHC 8.10


  • Support doctest-0.17


In module Data.D10.Char:

  • Removed isD10Str (see Data.D10.Predicate)
  • Type of d10Exp changed from Integral a => a -> Q Exp to Integer -> Q Exp
  • Type of d10Pat changed from D10 -> Q Pat to Integer -> Q Pat
  • Type of d10ListPat changed from [D10] -> Q Pat to String -> Q Pat

In module Data.D10.Num:

  • Removed isD10Str (see Data.D10.Predicate)
  • Type of d10Exp changed from (Integral b, Lift a, Num a) => b -> Q Exp to Integer -> Q Exp
  • Type of d10ListExp changed from (Lift a, Num a) => String -> Q Exp to String -> Q Exp
  • Type of d10Pat changed from Integral a => D10 a -> Q Pat to Integer -> Q Pat
  • Type of d10ListPat changed from Integral a => [D10 a] -> Q Pat to String -> Q Pat
  • Type of d10 changed from (Lift a, Integral a) => QuasiQuoter to QuasiQuoter
  • Type of d10list changed from (Lift a, Integral a) => QuasiQuoter to QuasiQuoter
  • Although type variables no longer appear in the various Template Haskell functions, the expressions and patterns they generate are polymorphic.

In module Data.D10.Safe:

  • The D10 type now has instances of the Data and Generic.
  • Type of d10ListPat changed from [D10] -> Q Pat to String -> Q Pat
  • Removed d10Exp, d10Pat, and d10

Other changes:

  • doctest test dependency has been removed, and hedgehog dependency has been added instead


  • Support GHC 9.0, base 4.15, template-haskell 2.17