@hackage curl-runnings0.3.0

A framework for declaratively writing curl based API tests

  • Installation

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Feel the rhythm! Feel the rhyme! Get on up, it's testing time! curl-runnings!

curl-runnings is a framework for writing declarative, curl based tests for your APIs.

Write your tests quickly and correctly with a straight-forward specification in yaml or json. A DSL for writing your tests is on the way! Alternatively, you can use the curl-runnings library to write your tests directly in Haskell.


When writing curl based smoke/integration tests for APIs using bash and curl is very convenient, but quickly becomes hard to maintain. Writing matchers for json output quickly becomes unweildy and error prone. Writing these sorts of tests in a more traditional programming language is fine, but certainly more time consuming to write than some simple curl requests. curl-runnings aims to make it very simple to write tests that curl some endpoints and verify the output looks sane.

With curl-runnings, you can write your tests just as data in a yaml or json file, curl runnings will take care of the rest!

While yaml/json is the current way to write curl-runnings tests, this project is being built in a way that should lend itself well to an embedded domain specific language, which is a future goal for the project


There are few options to install:

  • download the releases from the github releases page
  • stack install curl-runnings
  • cabal install curl-runnings
  • build from source with stack

Writing a test specification

For now, you write your tests specs in a yaml or json file. See /examples to get started. A test spec is a top level array of test cases, each item represents a single curl and set of assertions about the response.


Once you've written a spec, simply run it with:

$ curl-runnings -f path/to/your/spec.yaml

If all your tests pass, curl-runnings will cleanly exit with a 0 code. A code of 1 will be returned if any tests failed.

For more info:

$ curl-runnings --help


Contributions in any form are welcome and encouraged. Don't be shy! :D

  • Json specifications for tests
  • Yaml specifications for tests
  • Embedded dsl for specifications for tests. As the specification gets more complex.
    • Spec out dsl that can compile down into a yaml/json spec
    • Implement dsl
  • More specification features
    • timeouts
    • retry logic
    • ability to configure alerts