@hackage css-simple0.1.0.0

eDSL for CSS


Simple eDSL for writing CSS


For normal work the library requires the OverloadedStrings language extension.

There are three main ways to create the CSS Rules: rule, infix ? or without any function using the OverloadedStrings if the type is specified.

>>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
>>> rule ".wrapper" (maxWidth "72rem")
>>> ".wrapper" ? (maxWidth "72rem")
>>> ".wrapper" (maxWidth "72rem") :: Css ()
.wrapper {
  max-width: 72rem

Css monad has the Semigroup and Monoid instances, so the elements are juxtaposed via semigroups's append:

>>> "body" (background "#000000") <> ".wrapper" (width "90vw" <> maxWidth "72rem") :: Css ()
body {
  background: #000000
.wrapper {
  width: 90vw;
  max-width: 72rem

Rules may be nested in other rules, this is also used for creating the media queries:

>>> "@media only screen and (min-width: 48rem)" (".wrapper" (maxWidth "72rem")) :: Css ()
@media only screen and (min-width: 48rem) {
  .wrapper {
    max-width: 72rem

If any property is not provided by default, the new one can be created with any of the following methods:

>>> declaration "property" "value"
>>> "property" |> "value"
>>> "property" "value" :: Css ()
property: value

An example of the CSS in the function:

{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Css

sampleStyle :: Css ()
sampleStyle = do
    "body" do
        background "#000000"

    ".wrapper" do
        width      "90vw"
        maxWidth   "72rem"


Rendering configuration define how the CSS Document shall be rendered. It must be the Config data type. Currently there are two configurations:

  • pretty - Pretty, human-readable configuration, used everywhere by default, but works slightly slower than the compact
  • compact - As compact rendering as possible, render as a one-line with the least possible amount of the spacing

The rendering of the CSS documents can be done with the functions:

  • renderCss - Used to render the Css as a Data.Text with default rendering configuration
  • renderCssWith - Used to render the Css as a Data.Text with certain rendering configuration
  • putCss - Used to render the CSS as a Data.Text and print it to stdout with default rendering configuration
  • putCssWith Used to render the CSS as a Data.Text with certain rendering configuration and print it to the stdout
  • renderCssToFile - Used to render the Css as a Data.Text and save it to FilePath with default rendering configuration
  • renderCssToFileWith - Used to render the Css as a Data.Text and save it to FilePath with certain rendering configuration

Here are example of different rendering of the example in the previous section.

Pretty (default) configuration:

>>> putCss sampleStyle
body {
  background: #000000
.wrapper {
  width: 90vw;
  max-width: 72rem

Compact configuration:

>>> putCssWith sampleStyle compact