Changelog of @hackage/copilot-language 3.8

2022-03-07 * Version bump (3.8). (#298) * Introduce testing infrastructure. (#271) * Remove deprecated module Copilot. (#291) * Remove deprecated type StructArg. (#290) * Mark package as uncurated to avoid modification. (#288)

2022-01-07 * Version bump (3.7). (#287) * Bring back externF. (#261)

2021-11-07 * Version bump (3.6). (#264) * Replace uses of copilot-core's error reporting functions. (#267) * Introduce new ops atan2, ceiling, floor. (#246) * Remove deprecated function. (#250) * Fix outdated/broken links. (#252)

2021-08-19 * Version bump (3.5). (#247) * Update travis domain in README. (#222) * Remove ghc-prim dependency from copilot-language. (#220) * Remove commented code. (#15) * Deprecate structArg. (#111) * Update source repo location. (#241) * Deprecate module Copilot. (#107) * Add I. Perez to author list. (#243)

2021-07-07 * Version bump (3.4). (#231)

2021-05-07 * Version bump (3.3). (#217) * Remove unused type. (#110) * Deprecate funArg. (#109) * Update contact details in error message. (#108)

2021-03-07 * Version bump (3.2.1). (#106) * Completed the documentation. (#112)

2020-05-07 * Version bump (3.2). * Fixed the reverse order of triggers (#114). * Update description, bug-reports, changelog fields in cabal file (#116). * Bump ghc-prim version bounds (#122).

2019-11-22 Ivan Perez * Version bump (3.1). * Remove ExternFun (#118).