@hackage containers-benchmark1.0.0.2

Extensive benchmark suite for containers package.

This package consists of a thorough benchmark for a containers package.

Quick start

To benchmark the installed version of containers, just do

cd scripts sh benchmark.sh installed-containers none


The benchmark is executed using scripts in scripts directory. The main executable is benchmark.sh, which is given several arguments: benchmark.sh name_of_the_benchmark -- date is added to it containers_repo -- repo with containers, write 'none' for -- system containers library cabal_configure_opts -- optional flags passed to cabal configure

The benchmark.sh just calls other scripts: compile.sh containers_repo cabal_configure_opts -- builds the benchmark run.sh name_of_the_benchmark -- run built benchmark collect.pl name_of_benchmark -- collect all results in one .csv file

Other scripts: see.sh < name_of_csv -- formats the csv file for viewing cmp.pl base_csv diff_csv -- generate csv with comparison of two tests cmp.sh base_csv diff_csv -- formats the result of cmp.pl for viewing

ghc.sh containers_repo ghc_repo result_csv -- Compiles the GHC repo with given containers and store results -- the size of GHC and the memory allocation results of performance tests -- are stored. These tests were once a regression, so we monitor them. -- The GHC repo must be already booted and configured.

Which implementation to benchmark

The benchmark can use system-installed containers package or any given repo. Because the criterion package used for benchmarking is using containers internally, we cannot safely expose the benchmarked implementation as Data.Map and others. Therefore we benchmark Container.{Map,Set,IntMap,IntSet}. The scripts/system_containers.sh and scripts/custom_containers.sh scripts chooses which implementation of containers is benchmarked.

Benchmark design

Various input data are provided by InputData/*

Various benchmark methods are provided by Benchmar/*

As the different combinations of input data and containers result in different type signatures, we use CPP extension to put the input data and benchmark methods into one source file and let GHC to type-check for each combination of input data and container. This happens in Variants/*