@hackage composite-dhall0.0.4.0

Dhall instances for composite records.


ToDhall and FromDhall instances for composite records.

You lets you use extensible records over any base functor that is representable in dhall.

You can parse normal records:

{ a = "foo"
, b = +5 }

using a Record like:

    type A = "a" :-> Text

    type B = "b" :-> Int

type MyRec = Record '[A, B]

This also works for Rec Maybe and Rec [].

{ a = Just "foo"
, b = Just +5 }
type MyMaybeRec = Rec Maybe '[A, B]

Similarly you can use a contravariant functor as the base functor to parse a collection of templates for different types.

{ a = \(x : Text) -> "Hello ${x}."
, b = \(y : Integer) -> "You are ${Integer/show y} years old."
newtype TextTemplate a = TextTemplate (Op Text a)
  deriving newtype (FromDhall)

newtype TextTemplates = TextTemplates {unTemplates :: Rec Template '[A, B]}
  deriving (FromDhall) via (Rec (Op Text) '[A, B])