Changelog of @hackage/cauldron

Revision history for cauldron

  • exportToDot takes a new parameter to configure how to print the steps. Before, only the TyCon was printed. Now, the full type is printed by default.

  • Now the MissingDependencies only includes keys with actual missing dependencies.

  • Add cookNonEmpty and cookTree for cooking hierarchies of 'Cauldron's.
  • Rename addLast to addOuter and addFirst to addInner.
  • Add a copy of the Managed type from "managed".
  • Change the nomenclature of the pack- related functions.
  • Add the Packer type.
  • Add Fire type to customize the handling of dependency cycles.

  • Decorators are no longer Endos. They just take the decorated entity as a regular parameter.

  • Remove the applicative wrappers.

  • Allow effectful constructors. -- YYYY-mm-dd

  • First version. Released on an unsuspecting world.