Changelog of @hackage/calamity

Changelog for Calamity

  • Field names in Calamity.HTTP.Webhook were mistakenly username instead of the required name, these fields were renamed to be correct. (Reported by @MorrowM)

  • Added support for Aeson 2.2 @Miezhiko
  • Support MTL 2.3+ @Miezhiko

  • Updated CreateMessageAttachment.content to be a Network.HTTP.Client.RequestBody to allow for easy streaming of uploads

  • Require tls >= 1.7
  • Bump dependencies to support tls-1.7

  • Fix ratelimits being effectively broken (succ -> pred)

  • Fix accidental semver breakage

  • Added the CDNAsset typeclass for resolving CDN asset links and fetching them.
  • Added the module Calamity.Types.Model.Avatar with the types Avatar and MemberAvatar
  • Changed the avatar field of User and Member to be Avatar (the default avatar will be fetched if the user does not have one set).
  • Added the field banner to User and Member with type Maybe UserBanner.
  • Added the field accentColour to User and Member with type Maybe (Colour Double).
  • Added the field locale to User and Member with type Maybe Text.
  • Added the field Member.memberAvatar with type Text. (discord limitation, the guild id is needed to construct the member's guild avatar url, but discord doesn't attach the guild id to the member...)
  • Added the type RoleIcon to Calamity.Types.Model.Guild.Role.
  • Added the field Role.icon with type RoleIcon.
  • Added the field Role.emoji with type RawEmoji.
  • Added the types GuildIcon, GuildSplash, GuildDiscoverySplash, GuildBanner to Calamity.Types.Model.Guild.Guild.
  • Changed the type of Guild.icon to Maybe GuildIcon.
  • Changed the type of Guild.splash to Maybe GuildSplash.
  • Added the field Guild.discoverySplash with type Maybe GuildDiscoverySplash.
  • Added the field Guild.banner with type Maybe GuildBanner.

  • Updated the events GuildMemberAddEvt, GuildMemberRemoveEvt, and GuildMemberUpdateEvt to include the relevant Guild.
EHType 'GuildMemberAddEvt = (Guild, Member)
EHType 'GuildMemberRemoveEvt = (Guild, Member)
EHType 'GuildMemberUpdateEvt = (Guild, Member, Member)

  • Replaced lens with optics internally, you should use optics for field labels now.
  • Generic instances have been removed from library data types.
  • Internally, all aeson instances are manually implemented now, instead of using generic. Expect a 5x improvement in compile time.
  • The game field on StatusUpdateData was changed to activities :: [Activity]

  • DSL functions no longer use a concrete effect list prefix.

  • The discord api version has been moved from v9 to v10.
  • Added support for interactions and views with Calamity.Interactions.
  • Some more effects have been put in, RatelimitEff and TokenEff, causing changes to BotC, SetupEff.
  • The HTTP client can now be used without a Client instance.
  • The GuildMemberAdd event now includes the guild id of the member.
  • The InteractionCreate event has been added.
  • Adding attachments to messages has now been reworked, and TFile has been replaced with CreateMessageAttachment.
  • The file attribute of CreateMessageOptions has been removed and replaced with attachments :: Maybe [CreateMessageAttachment].
  • The embed attribute of CreateMessageOptions has been replaced with embeds :: Maybe [Embed].
  • The components :: Maybe [Component] field has been added to CreateMessageOptions.
  • editMessageEmbed has been replaced with editMessageEmbeds.
  • Added Calamity.HTTP.Channel.editMessageComponents.
  • Added Calamity.HTTP.Guild.SearchGuildMembers.
  • Calamity.HTTP.Guild.GetGuildBans now has a GetGuildBansOptions parameter.
  • Added the module Calamity.HTTP.Interaction.
  • Added the modules Calamity.Interactions, Calamity.Interactions.{Eff,Utils,View}.
  • Fully fleshed out Calamity.Types.Model.Channel.Component.
  • Removed stickers from Message.
  • Removed the guildID field from Member.

  • Dependency bump

  • Fix a bug causing member objects sent alongside messages to not parse correctly.

  • Remove all usages of lazy Text (except from typeclass instances)
  • Fix a bug that caused http request decoding to never select the () instance for decoding the response (which meant endpoints that had empty responses would always fail to parse).
  • Bumped the minimum version of aeson to 2.0

  • We now pass through the .member field of message create/update events to the event handler.
  • The payload type of MessageCreateEvt has changed from Message to (Message, Maybe User, Maybe Member).
  • The payload type of MessageUpdateEvt has changed from (Message, Message) to (Message, Message, Maybe User, Maybe Member).
  • The payload type of RawMessageUpdateEvt has changed from UpdatedMessage to (UpdatedMessage, Maybe User, Maybe Member).
  • The provided ConstructContext effect handlers have changed from handling ConstructContext Message ... to ConstructContext (Message, User, Maybe Member) ....
  • FullContext now uses the member passed with the message create event if available.
  • LightContext now has a .member parameter, which is the member passed with the message create event if available. The userID field has also been replaced with user :: User.
  • CommandNotFound now contains the User and Maybe Member of the message create event that triggered it.

  • The status field of StatusUpdateData has been changed from Text to StatusType.
  • Removed the redundant Typeable constraint from BotC and runBotIO, etc.
  • Added the runBotIO'' function which gives more control over the internal state effects.

  • Added models for interactions and components (these are still WIP in this version).
  • The 'types' help no longer shows in command help if the command has no parameters.
  • Added a HasID instance for FullContext and LightContext types.

  • Removed all the orphan instances from the library.
  • Removed the export of CalamityCommands.Handler from Calamity.Commands.
  • Added the export of Calamity.Commands.Types from Calamity.Commands.
  • Fixed some parameter parser instances causing type inference to fail (#48).

  • Removed the re-export of CalamityCommands.ParsePrefix from Calamity.Commands.
  • Added the Calamity.Commands.Utils.useConstantPrefix method.

  • Removed the Symbol parameter of custom events, instead of 'CustomEvt @"command-error" @(FullContext, CommandError) it is now 'CustomEvt (CtxCommandError FullContext), etc.
  • Added embedFooter, embedImage, embedThumbnail, embedAuthor, and embedField utility functions.
  • Added Default instances for EmbedAuthor.
  • Corrected the nullability of EmbedImage, EmbedThumbnail, EmbedVideo, and EmbedProvider.
  • Changed the command parameter machinery to hold more info about parameters.
  • Added a 'type cheatsheet' thing to command help in the default help command.
  • Calamity now uses and re-exports the Calamity-Commands package instead of having all the code duplicated.
  • An extra effect now needs to be handled for commands: ConstructContext, this also allows you to change which context your bot uses.
  • Calamity.Commands.Context.Context has been removed, instead use FullContext, LightContext, or make your own.

  • The minimum version of base has been upped to 4.13 as the library fails to build on ghc-8.6
  • The minimum version of polysemy has been upped to 1.5
  • The upper bound of lens has been bumped to 6
  • The library now compiles with ghc-9

  • Use the correct HTTP method for ModifyChannel

  • Rework the route handling so that the bucket keys for emoji routes work properly

  • Fix HTTP responses from discord that don't have ratelimit info being treated as errors.

  • Correct the emoji HTTP endpoints to work with CustomEmojis
  • Rework the ratelimit implementation more

  • Rework the ratelimit implementation to use X-Ratelimit-Bucket
  • Fix incorrect interpretation of the retry-after for 429s

  • Added support for message types 19 (reply) and 20 (application command)
  • Added the MessageReference type
  • Changed the type of Message.webhookID to Snowflake Webhook
  • Added the activity, application, messageReference, flags, stickers, referencedMessage, and interaction fields to messages.
  • Added messageReference as a parameter of CreateMessageOptions
  • Added repliedUser as a parameter of AllowedMentions
  • Fixed CreateMessage not actually sending the allowedMentions key
  • Added the CrosspostMessage route
  • Added a ToMessage instance for MessageReference
  • Added a reply function to Calamity.Types.Tellable that replies to a given message in the same channel as the message
  • Added an asReference function to Calamity.Utils.Message

  • Change the structure of Reaction to be (count, me, emoji)
  • The previous structure of Reaction is now known as ReactionEvtData
  • The type of MessageReactionAddEvt and MessageReactionRemoveEvt events has been changed from (Message, Reaction) to (Message, User, Channel, RawEmoji)
  • The type of RawMessageReactionAddEvt and RawMessageReactionRemoveEvt events has been changed from Reaction to ReactionEvtData
  • More fixes to HTTP
  • When parsing guilds, channels/members/ and presences that cannot be parsed are (silently) ignored instead of causing parsing of the guild to fail.

  • Quick fix of GetChannelMessages

  • GetChannelMessages now has an extra parameter to allow the limit option to be applied at the same time as the other filters.
  • ChannelMessagesQuery has been renamed to ChannelMessagesFilter.
  • The ChannelMessagesLimit type has been introduced.

  • Add Upgradeable instances for VoiceChannnel, DMChannel_, GroupChannel, TextChannel, and Category.

  • Changed how ModifyGuildMemberData, and ModifyGuildRoleData are implemented to allow for the parameters to be optional and nullable.
  • Changed EditMessage to use EditMessageData instead of Maybe Text -> Maybe Embed, allowing for the parameters to be optional and nullable.

  • Add event handlers for voice state update events: 'VoiceStateUpdateEvt
  • Apply some fixes for a few memory leaks

  • Fix some memory leaks

  • Switch from using Wreq to Req
  • The session parameter has been removed from runBotIO'
  • Add an Upgradeable instance for Roles
  • Add a command Parser instance for Roles

  • Fix some more json parsing issues

  • The roles field was incorrectly present on the PresenceUpdate type, that field has been removed.
  • The game field on Presence was changed to activities :: [Activity]

  • Bump some upper bounds
  • Fix parsing of members from GetGuildMember
  • Make game field in Presence correctly optional
  • Make roles field in Presence updates correctly optional (internal)

  • Update to gateway/http endpoint v8.
  • Updated the message types.
  • Added defaultIntents, which is all but the privileged intents, also a Data.Default instance.
  • runBotIO and runBotIO' now always take an Intents parameter.
  • Users are cached from messages, as well as member create events.
  • Fix Overwrites having an incorrect type_ field.

  • Fix ToJSON instance for RawEmoji

  • Documentation improvements.

  • Migrate do di-polysemy 0.2, runBotIO no longer handles the Log effect.

  • Fix broken Float parsing.

  • Fixed another missing activity type

  • Support hidden commands.

  • Fix custom presences failing to parse.

  • Add raw message events: RawMessageUpdateEvt, RawMessageDeleteEvt, RawMessageDeleteBulkEvt, RawMessageReactionAddEvt, RawMessageReactionRemoveEvt, RawMessageReactionRemoveAllEvt.

  • Fixed bulk message deletes firing a message delete per deleted message, instead of a bulk message delete event (I'm not sure how I did that).

  • Add animated field to Partial Emojis.

  • Make show instances for Partial Emoji and RawEmoji show to their discord representation.


  • Drop GHC-8.6.5, it doesn't like strictdata

  • Use unboxing-vector instead of doing stuff ourselves


  • waitUntil and waitUntilM now correctly remove the temorary event handler they create if an exception is raised.


  • Allow the session used for http requests to be specified to the client.

  • Drop from using a Wreq fork to vanilla Wreq.

  • TFile now requires a filename parameter.

  • Change how commands should be manually invoked from code, instead of firing a "invoke-command" custom event, now the handleCommands function should be used, which returns information about if the command succeeded.

  • Added fetchHandler for retrieving the command handler inside a command DSL.

  • General cleanup of codebase

  • Enable StrictData by default


  • Support manually invoking commands.


  • Replace uses of withLowerToIO with interpretFinal (should be more performant)


  • Fix missing usage of GetAuditLogOptions in GetAuditLog


  • Add command parameter Parsers for Int, Integer, Word, Natural, and Float.


  • The DecodeError variant of the RestError type has been renamed to InternalClientError as all issues in the rest client now end up here.

  • We're now using instead of


  • Added activity to construct Activities

  • Added aliases for commands and groups, with new functions to create them (commandA, groupA, ...).

  • The built in help command now shows aliases and checks.


  • Fix some bugs in the gateway


  • Fix broken json decoding for DMs

  • Add mentionChannels to Message


  • Fix broken json decoding for member's


  • Unpacked the user field of Member into itself.

  • Add message formatting utilities (Calamity.Utils.Message).

  • Add support for allowed mentions in Tellable.

  • Change Snowflake's show instance to just show the numberic id.

  • Added parsers for RawEmoji and Either.


  • Changed event handlers to take tuples instead of being higher arity when there is more than one parameter to the callback.


  • Changed some events to take enums instead of booleans: GuildCreateEvt and GuildDeleteEvt.


  • Moved the internal UpdatedMessage from Calamity.Types.Model.Channel.Message into Calamity.Types.Model.Channel.UpdatedMessage.


  • Add command parameter parsers for channel/guild/emoji
  • Support allowed mentions
  • Support invite events
  • Support setting gateway intents
  • Add Calamity.Types.Model.Guild.Permission and Calamity.Utils.Permissions and change permissions fields from Word64 to Permissions
  • Add Calamity.Utils.Colour and change color fields from Word64 to Data.Color.Color Double


  • Renamed Calamity.Commands.Parser.KleeneConcat to Calamity.Commands.Parser.KleeneStarConcat and added Calamity.Commands.Parser.KleenePlusConcat

  • Added Calamity.Types.Upgradeable


  • Added a default help command, located in Calamity.Commands.Help.

  • Commands now have the list of parameters they take


  • Added Calamity.Commands.Parser.Named for parameters that have a name.

  • General improvements to parser errors


  • Added commands, located in Calamity.Commands, along with a DSL for declaring commands nicely.

  • Renamed waitUntil to waitUntilM, and introduced a variant with a pure check function that takes the original name of waitUntil.


  • Did a large rework of how event handlers are stored internally.
  • introduced waitUntil

  • Added back extra exports of Calamity.Types.Partial from Calamity.Types.Model.Guild.Guild, Calamity.Type.Model.Guild.Emoji, and Calamity.Types.Model.Channel. There is now way to export the constructor without also exporting Partial apparently?


  • Removed extra exports of Calamity.Types.Partial from Calamity.Types.Model.Guild.Guild, Calamity.Type.Model.Guild.Emoji, and Calamity.Types.Model.Channel

  • Added missing exports of CreateGuildEmojiOptions and ModifyGuildEmojiOptions from Calamity.HTTP.Emoji

  • Added missing exports of CreateGuildData and ModifyGuildData from Calamity.HTTP.Guild


  • Calamity.Client: runBotIO now has a Polysemy.Fail effect

Unreleased changes