Changelog of @hackage/brick-panes

Revision history for brick-panes -- 2022-10-01

  • Public release. -- 2022-09-29

  • Updated handleFocusAndPanelEvents to return a PanelTransition indication along with the new Panel. This can be used by applications perform additional actions if the event just handled caused a transition into or out-of a modal Pane.
  • The exitedModal and enteredModal functions can be used to determine the type of transition (if any).
  • The isPanelModal function can be used to determine the current modal state of the Panel. -- 2022-09-22

  • Removed argument from WhenFocusedModal and WhenFocusedModalHandlingAllEvents PaneFocus constructors. These arguments should always have been specified as Nothing by client code, with deleterious behavior if this requirement was not followed, so the need for this awkward constant representation was removed. -- 2022-09-10

  • Initial version.