Changelog of @hackage/bluetile 0.5.3

Bluetile 0.5.3 (on 2010/08/10) Jan Vornberger Bluetile's theme is now configurable, including the font that is used. I also switched back to the old, grey-ish theme. For reference, below is the blue-ish theme, which was used for a few releases in an attempt to make the focused window stand out more. However, it was not very well received, apparently. Everyone is welcome to choose their own color combinations now. :-)

decoration_focused_color = #7ca3d3
decoration_focused_text_color = white
decoration_focused_border_color = white
decoration_normal_color = #e3e2e1
decoration_normal_text_color = black
decoration_normal_border_color = black
decoration_font = xft: Sans Bold:size=9
window_border_focused_color = black
window_border_normal_color = gray

Bluetile should also now build on Ubuntu Maverick Meerkat thanks to a patch by Iain Lane.