@hackage bit-protocol0.1.0.0

Encode binary protocols with some odd bit numbers into a bytestring


A package suitable for binary protocols defined in a manner where you have bit counts not aligned by 8.

For example, if you have a protocol for sending user profiles saying:

The value sent must be a base64url-encoded string consisting of four values:

  • 6 bits representing user's age
  • 7 bits for their favorite number
  • 5 bits for their lucky number
  • 6 bits for a random number

you could use the library as follows:

import Data.BitProtocol
import Data.ByteString.Base64.URL (encode)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let age = 29
      fav = 12
      lucky = 13
      rand = 14
  -- the number in protocol should be base64url(011101_0001100_01101_001110)
  print $ encode $ bitsValsToBS8 $ [BitsVal 6 age, BitsVal 7 fav, BitsVal 5 lucky, BitsVal 6 rand]
  -- will output "dGNO"
  -- which is the same as `encode (BC8.pack (map chr [0b01110100, 0b01100011, 0b01001110]))`