Changelog of @hackage/bishbosh

2018-01-01 Dr. Alistair Ward

  • First version of the package.

  • Minor changes required to build on Windows.

  • Added Paths_bishbosh to Other-modules section of cabal file.

  • Changed references to author's domain-name.

  • Added ability to specify the text-encoding used in a PGN-database file.
  • Updated list of test-compilers.

  • Fixed failure to persist game-state after requesting that the game be restarted.
  • Fixed parsing of TextEncoding in PGNOptions.
  • Replaced module Distribution.Verbosity with BishBosh.Input.Verbosity.

  • Rewrote function BishBosh.Data.RoseTree.countTerminalNodes in accordance with the suggestions of David Feuer.
  • Amended function BishBosh.State.EnPassantAbscissa.mkMaybeEnPassantAbscissa to guard against exposing one's King after En-passant capture.

  • Corrected the parsing of FEN when an Enpassant-destination defined on file b was erroneously interpreted as a bishop in the previous CastleableRooks field.
  • Added parent type-class BishBosh.Property.ExtendedPositionDescription.EPD for Property.ForsythEdwards.FEN, for which the latter typically has a default implementation of both methods.


  • Upgraded the transposition-table in module Search.DynamicMoveData, from merely recording moves (which doesn't include the rank to which a Pawn is promoted), to recording qualified-moves.
  • In function Search.AlphaBeta.negaMax.descend.selectMax, amended bound function isFitter to prefer shorter move-sequences where fitness is equal, & corrected the scenario in which all nodes were skipped because they were repetitious, but without ever defining alpha.


  • Added the configurable runtime ability to asynchronously decompress PGN-databases, & to set a maximum number of games to read.
  • Added a configuration-option to normalise the values of specified piece-square tables into the closed unit-interval.
  • Modularised the packaged config-files, by defining XML External Entities in the DTD.
  • Added suggestions on failure to parse a user-command, & created a module Text.AutoComplete to contain common code.
  • Added makefile to facilitate common tasks.
  • Removed the configuration-option preferMovesTowardsCentre & its implementation in function Cartesian.Coordinates.radiusSquared, because of it's conceptually wobbly foundations.

New Runtime Cmmands:

Command Purpose
availableMoves to report all available moves from the current position.
maxPositionInstances to reveal the maximum number of instances any available position has been visited.
reversiblePlyCount to count the number of consecutive reversible plies that have been made.

Command-line Options:

  • Added a new module Input.CategorisedCommandLineOptions to improved the partitioning of command-line options into functional categories.
  • Added a command-line option --formatPieceSquareTableForGNUPlot to print the piece-square tables in a format suitable for GNUPlot.


  • Included a compilation-flag unboxedarrays, to request the use of unboxed arrays where (infrequently) possible.
  • Changed data-type Component.PieceSquareByCoordinatesByRank.EitherPieceSquareValueByNPiecesByCoordinates, bringing type Cartesian.Coordinates.ByCoordinates inside Either, leading to significant space/time gains.
  • Constructed each large constant data-structure in parallel. Bracketed all data-parallel operations with CPP-conditionals controlled by the compilation-flag threaded.
  • Parallelised function Attribute.CriterionValue.calculateWeightedMean.

New Modules:

Module Purpose
Component.CastlingMove Forked from module Component.Move.
Data.Enum Currently single-function.
Data.Foldable Currently single-function.
Property.FixedMembership Defines a type-class to which sum-types can conform.
StateProperty.Censor Relocated from directory State/.
StateProperty.Mutator defines a type-class to express the dual implementations within State.Board.
StateProperty.Seeker defines a type-class to express the dual implementations within State.Board.
Text.Case Forked from Text.ShowList to contain case-related operations.
Text.Prefix Forked from Text.ShowList to define the constant prefixes of log-messages.


  • Split src-test/Main.hs into src-test/HUnit.hs & src-test/QuickCheck.hs, each referenced independently from the cabal file.
  • Added an executable duel (to coordinate a battle between two independently configured instances of bishbosh) & a corresponding section-1 man-page.
  • Validated the list of ranks supplied to construct either Attribute.RankValues.RankValues or Input.PieceSquareTable.PieceSquareTable.


  • Flattened the nested array Component.Zobrist.getRandomByCoordinatesByRankByLogicalColour, by means of a composite index.
  • Reimplemented function Cartesian.Coordinates.getLogicalColourOfSquare.
  • Reimplemented function Cartesian.Coordinates.interpolationsByDestinationBySource in terms of function Cartesian.Coordinates.extrapolationsByDirectionByCoordinates.
  • Used the LambdaCase language-extension.

New Modules:

New Module Purpose
BishBosh.Time.StopWatch Replaces module BishBosh.Data.Time to encapsulate interaction with module Data.Time.Clock.
BishBosh.Time.GameClock Contains two BishBosh.Time.StopWatches to enable module Duel.Process.Intermediary to measure the time used by each player.
BishBosh.Property.Switchable Exports a type-class, which both BishBosh.Time.StopWatch & BishBosh.Time.GameClock implement, to expose their functionality.
BishBosh.Property.SelfValidating Exports a type-class, which both BishBosh.Time.GameClock & Duel.Data.Options implement, to validate themselves.
BishBosh.Type.Countable Defines newtypes to enhance type-safety, replacing type-synonyms for Int. There is a performance-degradation, so this enhancement can be disabled using a new cabal-flag.
BishBosh.Type.Crypto Self-documentation.
BishBosh.Type.Length Replaced the polymorphic type-parameters row & column with newtypes to enhance type-safety.
BishBosh.Type.Mass Self-documentation.
BishBosh.Metric.RankValue Replaced the polymorphic type-parameter rankValue, with a newtype & a smart-constructor to guard permissible bounds.


  • Added command-line option --verifyConfiguration, to request that the mutual compatibility of the two configuration-files be verified before forwarding each to a forked instance of bishbosh.


  • Created a new directory Rule/ to which Model.{DrawReason, GameTerminationReason, Result} were relocated.
  • Refactored functions BishBosh.ContextualNotation.PositionHashQualifiedMoveTree.findNextOnymousQualifiedMovesForPosition, BishBosh.Model.MoveFrequency.insertMoves & BishBosh.Model.GameTree.toMoveFrequency.
  • Evaluation-criteria:
    • Moved BishBosh.Attribute.{CriterionValue, CriterionWeight, WeightedMeanAndCriterionValues} to a new directory Metric/
    • Implemented type-classes [Num, Fractional, Real] for data-types BishBosh.Metric.{CriterionValue.CriterionValue, CriterionWeight.CriterionWeight}, nullifying the requirement for exports.
    • Replaced the pointless polymorphic payloads in data-types BishBosh.Metric.{CriterionValue.CriterionValue, CriterionWeight.CriterionWeight, WeightedMeanAndCriterionValues.WeightedMeanAndCriterionValues} with concrete types.
  • Moved BishBosh.Attribute.RankValues to BishBosh.Input.
  • Checked that (with the possible exception of the King) the Queen is configured as the most valuable rank.
  • Avoided repeated calls from module BishBosh.Evaluation.Fitness to function IBishBosh.nput.RankValues.calculateMaximumTotalValue by adding the record-field BishBosh.Input.EvaluationOptions.getMaximumTotalRankValue.

  • Features:
    • Added a Boolean configuration-option BishBosh.Input.NativeUIOptions.getDepictFigurine to specify whether the native UI should depict pieces using Unicode figurines rather than merely ASCII letters.
    • duel now accumulates the frequency-distribution of games played in order to detect duplicates & warn when there's insufficient randomness.
    • Added the runtime ability to set the position using Extended Position Description.
  • Efficiency:
    • Reimplemented function BishBosh.Cartesian.Abscissa.getAdjacents to promote memoisation.
    • Made BishBosh.Cartesian.Coordinates & BishBosh.Attribute.Direction strict.
    • Changed to use Double rather than Rational to perform the calculations defined by BishBosh.Evaluation.Fitness, before conversion to BishBosh.Metric.CriterionValue.CriterionValue.
    • Added a Boolean switch preferVictories to standardOpeningOptions to govern whether from all matching positions extracted from the PGN-database, to prefer moves which result in a greater probability of victory, for the player who has the next move. Turning this off reduces the evaluation required of the PGN-parser; & there's no down-side if the PGN-database is known not to actually record any victories.
    • Improved BishBosh.ContextualNotation.PositionHashQualifiedMoveTree.findNextOnymousQualifiedMovesForPosition, by independently comparing the pieces of each player, between the target game & a node of the tree, allowing earlier termination of the search.
  • Bug-fixes:
    • Avoided potential divide-by-zero @ BishBosh.Input.CriteriaWeights.getWeightOfMaterial / BishBosh.Input.RankValues.calculateMaximumTotalValue @.
    • Guarded against starting from a persisted, but terminated, game.
    • Added guards to function BishBosh.Component.Piece.promote.
    • Amended BishBosh.Evaluation.Fitness.measurePieceSquareValueIncrementally to forward Castling moves to measurePieceSquareValue.
    • Polymorphism:
      • Replaced the polymorphic type distance in BishBosh.Component.Vector, with two concrete types BishBosh.Type.Length.[XY]. Removed the type BishBosh.Type.Length.Distance.
      • Replaced the polymorphic type-parameters x & y with newtypes to:
        • eliminate the fragile RULE pragmas required to switch to memoised function-implementations for specific type-parameters,
        • eliminate chains of SPECIALISE pragmas down the call-stack to hot-spots.
        • allow external calls from [Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.Lazy.runParser, Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.parse], to access specialised implementations (see previous items),
        • permit unification of the similar type-classes BishBosh.Component.Zobrist.Hashable[12]D, & to avoid the requirement for the MultiParameterTypeClasses pragma.
  • Structural:
    • Moved the type-class from module BishBosh.Component.Zobrist into a new module BishBosh.StateProperty.Hashable.
    • Replaced non-specific type @ (Int, Int) @ coordinates in BishBosh.Notation.{ICCFNumeric, PureCoordinate, Smith} with @ (BishBosh.Type.Length.X, BishBosh.Type.Length.Y) @, & moved common code into a new module BishBosh.Notation.Notation.
    • Added type BishBosh.Type.Count.NCoordinates for use by function BishBosh.Cartesian.Coordinates.nSquares.
    • Added a method BishBosh.StateProperty.Seeker.countPawnsByFileByLogicalColour including a default implementation, & relocated the implementation from module BishBosh.State.CoordinatesByRankByLogicalColour.
    • Added a type-class BishBosh.Component.Account.Accountant, with a single method used to sum piece-square values; thus permiting a common interface between the implementations in BishBosh.State.CoordinatesByRankByLogicalColour & BishBosh.State.MaybePieceByCoordinates.

  • Efficiency:
    • Replaced the polymorphic type-parameter pieceSquareValue with a newtype, to then implement unboxed arrays without cluttering interfaces with type-constraint Data.Array.Unboxed.IArray Data.Array.Unboxed.UArray pieceSquareValue; performance-improvement was regrettably insignificant.
    • Added some strictness to BishBosh.Board.{exposesKing, movePiece, sumPieceSquareValueByLogicalColour} & BishBosh.Game.applyQualifiedMove.
    • Added function BishBosh.Cartesian.Coordinates.applyAlongDirectionsFrom to reduce sequential indexing by direction when extrapolating in all directions; deployed in new functions BishBosh.State.MaybePieceByCoordinates.{findBlockingPieces, findAttackerInDirections}
    • Refactored function BishBosh.Cartesian.Vector.toMaybeDirection to eliminate call to BishBosh.Property.Orientated.isStraight.
    • Refactored function BishBosh.Component.Piece.canMoveBetween to remove let-binding.
    • Refactored function BishBosh.State.EnPassantAbscissa.mkMaybeEnPassantAbscissa to reduce calls to BishBosh.State.MaybePieceByCoordinates.{findAttackerInDirection, findBlockingPiece}.
  • Structural:
    • Added method BishBosh.StateProperty.Mutator.movePiece & implemented whole type-class in module BishBosh.State.CoordinatesByRankByLogicalColour.
    • Implemented type-class BishBosh.Property.SelfValidating.SelfValidating in modules BishBosh.State.{MaybePieceByCoordinates, CoordinatesByRankByLogicalColour, Board}.
    • Created a new type-class BishBosh.StateProperty.View.View (implemented in BishBosh.State.{MaybePieceByCoordinates, CoordinatesByRankByLogicalColour}), to abstract construction of a view & translation between views.
    • Rewrote module BishBosh.Attribute.Direction to remove the 9th invalid state from the data-structure, & to express the division between parallel & diagonal instances; which degraded performance slightly. Added new methods to class BishBosh.Property.Orientated.Orientated.
    • Relocated colour-related modules from BishBosh/Attribute/ to BishBosh/Colour/.
    • Re-ordered the parameters of functions which access record-structures, to make the record the first parameter; cf. those that mutate the record-structure, which receive it last.

  • Increased minimum version for package deepseq, to access function rwhnf.

  • Rationalised the type-signature of function BishBosh.StateProperty.Mutator.movePiece & refactored BishBosh.State.{Board, CoordinatesByRankByLogicalColour, MaybePieceByCoordinates}.movePiece.
  • Created function Cartesian.Coordinates.isBetween to support function Model.Game.listQualifiedMovesAvailableTo.
  • Efficiency:
    • Implemented functions BishBosh.Cartesian.{Coordinates.fromEnum, Ordinate.reflect} in unboxed primitive arithmetic.
    • Moved Either outwards in the data-type BishBosh.Component.PieceSquareByCoordinatesByRank.PieceSquareByCoordinatesByRank, reducing its size, improving performance, & increasing LR symmetry.
    • Added function BishBosh.Attribute.MoveType.apply, & called it from BishBosh.Evaluation.Fitness.measurePieceSquareValueDifferenceIncrementally to facilitate catering for Castling & Promotion.
    • Added record-field BishBosh.Input.StandardOpeningOptions.getMaybeMaximumPliesSinceMatch, to limit the number of failures to match the position against a prerecorded game, before abandoning further attempts.
    • Unboxed arrays BishBosh.Input.RankValue.RankValues & BishBosh.StateProperty.Censor.NPiecesByRank (used in record-field BishBosh.State.Board.getNPiecesDifferenceByRank), to improve the efficiency of function BishBosh.Evaluation.Fitness.measureValueOfMaterial.
    • Added function Cartesian.Coordinates.ixInterpolate to support State.MaybePieceByCoordinates.isClear, where it can use Data.Array.Base.unsafeAt to bypass repeated conversion from coordinates to array-indices.
    • Amended BishBosh.Cartesian.Coordinates.{extrapolate, interpolate} to also return an array-index, i.e. (Coordinates, Int), thus reducing repeated calls to Data.Array.IArray.Ix.index Coordinates.
  • Structural:
    • Split module BishBosh.Component.PieceSquareByCoordinatesByRank into BishBosh.Component.PieceSquareValueByCoordinates & BishBosh.Component.PieceSquareValueByCoordinatesByRank.
    • Migrated the CPP-logic to establish compatibility between environment-variables, into the Cabal-file; also renamed some environment-variables & flags for clarity.