Changelog of @hackage/base-orphans 0.9.2

Changes in 0.9.2 [2024.04.30]

  • Backport new instances from GHC 9.10/base-4.20:
    • Fractional, RealFrac, Floating, and RealFloat instances for Compose

Changes in 0.9.1 [2023.10.11]

  • Backport new instances from GHC 9.8/base-4.19:
    • Eq and Ord instances for SChar, SNat, and SSymbol
    • Enum, Bounded, Num, Real, and Integral instances for Compose

Changes in 0.9.0 [2023.03.05]

  • Adapt to recent changes to Down instances:
    • The Bounded instance for Down was changed in base- to swap the values of minBound and maxBound for the underlying type. This change has now been propagated to base-orphans.
    • The Enum instance for Down was removed in base-, but a different version of the instance was added back in base-, where succ and pred are swapped. We have changed the backported version of this instance in base-orphans to match the behavior of the instance added in base-
    • The Integral instance for Down was removed from base entirely in base- We have finally removed it from base-orphans in this release, as it actively makes it more difficult to define the aforementioned Enum instance.

Changes in [2023.03.05]

  • Fix GHC 9.4 build error that was accidentally introduced in base-orphans-0.8.8.

Changes in 0.8.8 [2023.03.05]

  • Backport new instances from GHC 9.6.1/base-
    • Functor instances for the (,,,,) a b c d, (,,,,,) a b c d e, and (,,,,,) a b c d e f tuple types.
    • Eq and Ord instances for Generically1

Changes in 0.8.7 [2022.08.11]

  • Backport new instances from GHC 9.2.2/base-
  • Backport a bugfix for the Ord1 Down instance from GHC 9.4/base-4.17 such that it now uses reverse sort order.

Changes in 0.8.6 [2021.10.29]

  • Backport Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, and Ix instances for Solo, introduced in GHC 9.2/base-4.16
  • Remove the backported Eq1 and Ord1 instances for Fixed that were introduced in base-orphans-0.8.5. While these briefly appeared in a release candidate version of GHC 9.2.1, they were ultimately removed from the final 9.2.1 release. This release of base-orphans synchronizes with that change.

Changes in 0.8.5 [2021.08.29]

  • Backport new instances from GHC 9.2/base-4.16
    • Eq1, Read1, and Show1 instances for Complex
    • Eq1 and Ord1 instances for Fixed
    • Eq{1,2}, Ord{1,2}, Show{1,2}, and Read{1,2} instances for (,,) and (,,,)
    • Semigroup and Monoid instances for Data.Functor.Product and Data.Functor.Compose

Changes in 0.8.4 [2020.12.09]

  • Backport the Ord instances for TyCon and TypeRep to be available on GHC 7.0.

Changes in 0.8.3 [2020.09.30]

  • Backport new instances from GHC 9.0/base-4.15
    • MonadFix and MonadZip instances for Complex
    • Ix instances for tuples of size 6 through 15

Changes in 0.8.2 [2020.01.27]

  • Backport new instances from GHC 8.10/base-4.14
    • Bits, Bounded, Enum, FiniteBits, Floating, Fractional, Integral, Ix, Real, RealFrac, RealFloat and Storable instances for Data.Ord.Down
    • Functor, Applicative, Monad, Alternative, and MonadPlus instances for Kleisli
    • Functor, Applicative, and Monad instances for (,,) a b and (,,,) a b c
    • Data instances for WrappedArrow and WrappedMonad
    • Data and IsList instances for ZipList
    • TestEquality instance for Compose
  • Backport the Typeable (() :: Constraint) instance to be available on GHC 7.8.

Changes in 0.8.1 [2019.03.25]

  • Ensure that the test suite passes non-negative numbers to Bits methods that require them, such as bit, setBit, clearBit, complementBit, and testBit.

Changes in 0.8 [2018.07.02]

  • Backported new instance from GHC 8.6/base-4.12
    • Data types in GHC.Generics:
      • Applicative instance for K1
      • Semigroup instances for U1, Par1, Rec1, K1, M1, (:*:), (:.:), and V1
      • Monoid instances for U1, Par1, Rec1, K1, M1, (:*:), and (:.:)
    • Foldable and Traversable instances for Data.Monoid.Alt
    • MonadFix, MonadZip, Data, Foldable, Traversable, Eq1, Ord1, Read1, and Show1 instances for Data.Ord.Down

Changes in 0.7 [2018.03.08]

  • Backported new instances from GHC 8.4/base-4.11
    • Alternative instance for ZipList
    • Data instance for IntPtr and WordPtr
    • Num, Functor, Applicative, Monad, Semigroup, and Monoid instances for Data.Ord.Down
    • MonadFail, Semigroup, and Monoid instances for strict ST

Changes in 0.6 [2017.04.10]

  • Backported new instances from GHC 8.2/base-4.10 (see
    • Data instance for Const
    • Eq1, Ord1, Read1, and Show1 instances for NonEmpty
    • Semigroup instances for IO, Event, and Lifetime
  • Backported Typeable instances for (:+:), (:*:), (:.:), M1, Rec1, ArrowMonad, Kleisli, WrappedArrow, WrappedMonad, and Any on GHC 7.6 and earlier
  • Backported Data instances for (:+:), (:*:), (:.:), M1, and Rec1 on GHC 7.6 and earlier

Changes in 0.5.4

  • Backported Bits, FiniteBits, Floating, Fractional, Integral, IsString, Num, Real, RealFloat, and RealFrac instances for Identity and Const (introduced in base-4.9)

Changes in 0.5.3

  • Backported Alternative, MonadPlus and MonadZip instances for U1 and Proxy, and made the Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Alternative, and Monad instances for U1 lazier to correspond with base-4.9

Changes in 0.5.2

  • Backported Enum, Bounded, Ix, Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadFix, MonadPlus, MonadZip, Foldable, Traversable, and Data instances for datatypes in the GHC.Generics module (introduced in base-4.9)

Changes in 0.5.1

  • The Storable instances for Complex and Ratio are now exactly as lazy as their counterparts in base (see issue #36)

Changes in 0.5.0

Changes in 0.4.5

  • Import Control.Monad.Instances (which exports Functor and Monad instances for (->) r, and Functor instances for (,) a and Either a) on GHCs before 7.6. This ensures that these instances will always be in scope, and you won't have to import a module which is deprecated on recent GHC releases.
  • Fix build on GHC HEAD (again)

Changes in 0.4.4

  • Fix build on GHC HEAD

Changes in 0.4.3

  • Fix build on OSes where HTYPE_DEV_T = Int32 (e.g., OS X)

Changes in 0.4.2

  • Functor instances for Handler
  • Functor. Applicative, Alternative, and MonadPlus instances for ArrowMonad
  • Expose Read and Show instances for Down on GHCs before 7.8
  • Bits, Bounded, and Integral instances for CDev

Changes in 0.4.1

  • Fixed imports on GHC < 7.8 on Windows

Changes in 0.4.0

  • Removed all Generic and Generic1 instances. These have been moved to the generic-deriving library.

Changes in 0.3.3

  • Typeable instances for (~), Any, Constraint, CSigset, Handler, Opaque, SPEC, and every promotable data constructor in base

Changes in 0.3.2

  • Storable (Complex a) instance no longer requires a RealFloat a constraint if using base-4.4 or later

Changes in 0.3.1

  • Functor, Applicative, and Monad instances for First and Last

Changes in 0.3.0

  • Show instance for Fingerprint
  • Data.Orphans is now Trustworthy
  • Backported the Generic and Generic1 instances available in base- to GHC 7.2, 7.4, and 7.6, namely
    • Const, WrappedMonad, and ZipList from Control.Applicative
    • WrappedArrow from Control.Category
    • All, Any, Dual, Endo, First, Last, Product, and Sum from Data.Monoid
    • U1, Par1, Rec1, K1, M1, (:+:), (:*:), (:.:), Arity, Associativity, and Fixity from GHC.Generics

Changes in 0.2.0

  • Drop GHC 6.12 (and base- compatibility
  • Fix Windows, GHCJS build
  • Read instance for Fixed
  • Applicative instances for strict and lazy ST
  • Typeable instance for SampleVar
  • Applicative and Alternative instances for ReadP and ReadPrec
  • Typeable instance for KProxy
  • Typeable instances for more data types in GHC.-prefixed modules
  • Generic instances for Arity, Associativity, and Fixity from the GHC.Generics module
  • Corrected the Generic instance for (:*:) to work around GHC bug #9830