@hackage backdropper1.2

Rotates backdrops for X11 displays using Imagemagic.

  • Categories

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    • Versions

      • 1.2 Tue, 18 Aug 2009
      • 1.1 Thu, 19 Jun 2008
    • Installation

    • Dependencies (0)

    • Dependents (1)

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         (on by default)

        Choose the new smaller, split-up base package.

          ---==* Rotates backdrops for X11 displays using qiv *==---

    -- Introduction --

    This works as follow. A configuration file must be created (see example "sample_wallpaper_list" file) containing one image per line with the full path. Once the backdropper_consol is started (and pointed to said file), it will read all the images and pick a random one to display with qiv. You can get qiv from http://www.klografx.net/qiv/ or change the source to use whatever viewing program you prefer. It will display all the images in the configuration file before re-reading it.

    A time (delay) between changes can be set. Upcoming is a feature to only display images while you are at work -- based on time of day and idleness of the user running backdropper_consol.

    A typical usage would be of the form: backdropper_consol --config'='/home/yann/.rotate_wallpaper_list --delay'='900

    (c)2008 Yann Golanski, GPLv3 or above.

    -- Quick install guide --

    1 - Download Imagemagick. You need "display".

    1.5 - Edit src/Rotating_backdrop_logic.hs to add the values you want to getPossition = "-1280-0" getResize = "1680>x1050<" These are for my dual display, yours may vary. Yes, those should be parameters and will be in the next version. Patches welcome ;>

    2 - Create a file (~/.backdropper.list) which contains an image (with full path) per line. See sample_wallpaper_list for an example of how it should look like.

    3 - Run "runhaskell Setup.hs configure --user".

    4 - Run "runhaskell Setup.hs build".

    5 - Run "runhaskell Setup.hs haddock".

    6 - Run "./dist/build/backdropper_consol/backdropper_consol -h".

    7 - Run "sudo runhaskell Setup.hs install".

    8 - Run "backdropper_consol --config=$HOME/.backdropper.list --delay=900".

    runhaskell Setup.hs configure --user --prefix=$HOME runhaskell Setup.hs build runhaskell Setup.hs haddock runhaskell Setup.hs install

    runhaskell Setup.hs configure --user --prefix=$HOME && runhaskell Setup.hs build && runhaskell Setup.hs install

    -- Future versions --

    • Only rotate during work hours.
    • Making sure that all images are shown within a day.
    • Make a nice GUI.

    -- Version release notes --

    v1.2 --

    • Added Don Stewart's patch to look up looking up the user's home directly and to make the tool build with ghc 6.6.

    v1.1 -- Thu Jun 19 2008 Second release for Hackage.

    • Added hshaskell logging instead of normal IO ().
    • Added comments so that haddock works.

    v1.0 -- Tue, 3 Jun 2008 Initial release.

    • Reads command line options
    • Reads file in
    • Display images using qiv.

    -- Notes --

    Special thanks to Don Stewart for the first bug report and patch!

    Special thanks to the haskell-cafe list, in particular to Ketil Malde, Derek Elkins, Spencer Janssen, Bulat Ziganshin, Ryan Ingram and Lauri Alanko.