@hackage arghwxhaskell0.8.1.0

An interpreter for the Argh! programming language in wxHaskell.

An interpreter (v0.8) for the Argh! programming language

-- Contents of this package --

The following files are included:

  • Readme.txt (this file)
  • Argh.hs (the source)
  • GPL.txt (the GNU General Public License text)
  • /doc (Haddock documentation)

-- Information --

Argh! is an esoteric programming language created by Sascha Wilde. An Argh! program is a two-dimensional grid (80x40 cells) and each cell contains an integer that can be interpreted as such or as a command that can be executed. A stack is used to store values and to do calculations. For more information about Argh!, see http://www.sha-bang.de/index.php?page=12_eso (in German).

The source code has been documented using Haddock. Just view that for more information about a function and the interpreter in general.

To start the interpreter, use the "main" function.

Simeon Visser February 2007 svisser@cs.uu.nl