@hackage apiary-http-client0.1.0.0

A http client for Apiary.

Apiary HTTP Client

A HTTP Client for Apiary, using Apiary's extension api, suitable for proxying HTTP request to backend API, with flexible APIs and streamming proxying abilities.

This module also reexport Network.HTTP.Client. Example:

main :: IO ()
main = runApiaryWith (run serverPort) (HTTP.initHTTPClient HTTP.defaultManagerSettings) def $ do

    [capture|/query|] . action $ do
        -- make a new Network.HTTP.Client.Request from current ActionT's Network.Wai.Request
        -- it's recommended to use resetHeaders to remove following headers:
        -- Transfer-Encoding, Content-Length, Content-Encoding and Accept-Encoding.
        req <- HTTP.fromRequest id resetHeaders

        -- set proxying host and port
        -- use function from Network.HTTP.Client to modify more
        let req' = HTTP.setHost influxDB_API_HOST . HTTP.setPort 80 $ req

        -- send request and proxy respond in streamming fashion.
        HTTP.proxyTo req'

More document are W.I.P.