@hackage aivika-transformers5.1

Transformers for the Aivika simulation library

This package is a generalization of the aivika [1] simulation library with extensive use of monad transformers and type families. It can be applied for nested simulation [2] and parallel distributed simulation [3].

Unlike sequential simulation, the distribution simulation is more difficult for implementing the simulation experiments by the Monte-Carlo method. Therefore, there are additional packages that allow saving the results of distribution simulation in SQL databases and only then the simulation reports are generated. These reports are HTML pages with charts, histograms, links to CSV tables, statistics summary and so on.

This method can be used not only for the parallel distribution simulation, but also for other simulation models created with help of the generalized version of the Aivika simulation library. Please consult the AivikaSoft [4] website for more details.

[1] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/aivika

[2] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/aivika-branches

[3] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/aivika-distributed

[4] http://www.aivikasoft.com