Changelog of @hackage/adblock2privoxy 2.1.1

2.1.1 * Fix compilation issues for ghc 9.6.3

2.1.0 * Use TLS for CSS server to avoid mixed content errors * Add --useHTTP option * Update to ghc 8.10.7, lts-18.18 resolver

2.0.2 * Update to ghc 8.10.4, lts-17.11 resolver

2.0.1 * Update to ghc 8.6.5, lts-13.25 resolver

2.0.0 * Update to ghc 8.4.3 * Regex wildcard optimizations * Fix several parsing issues * Fix several privoxy action syntax issues * Migrate to GitHub fork

1.4.2 * Fixed "commitBuffer: invalid argument (invalid character)" problem * Fixed system.action file generation in case when no webserver is used * Improved documentation

1.4.0 * Stack build envirionment and GHC 7.10 * Problem with network connections should be fixed because of new HTTPS library

1.3.0 * Build and packaging process refactoring * Build script for windows * Installation documentation * CSS server domain changed from hardcoded '' to configurable one (ticket #1) * Element hiding CSS generation is skipped if the domain is not specified * Task files contains output paths, so it's possible to run ab2p with single parameter: task file name * Bugfixes for tickets #7, #8, #9 1.2.4 * Documentation and bugfixes

1.1.0 * Tasks support to update privoxy config from same sources * HTTP(s) supported to get adblock files * Redirect comment support * Sources expiration check

1.0.0 * First public version * Supports filenames in command-line * Page elements blocking * URLs blocking * Popups blocking * Adblock options: script, image, stylesheet, object, xmlhttprequest, object-subrequest, subdocument,document, elemhide, other, popup, third-party, domain=..., match-case, donottrack