@hackage accelerate-cuda0.15.1.1

Accelerate backend for NVIDIA GPUs

This library implements a backend for the Accelerate language instrumented for parallel execution on CUDA-capable NVIDIA GPUs. For further information, refer to the main Accelerate package: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/accelerate

To use this backend you will need:

  1. A CUDA-enabled NVIDIA GPU with, for full functionality, compute capability 1.3 or greater. See the table on Wikipedia for supported GPUs: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CUDA#Supported_GPUs

  2. The CUDA SDK, available from the NVIDIA Developer Zone: http://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads

See the Haddock documentation for additional information related to using this backend.

Compile modules that use the CUDA backend with the -threaded flag.

  • Deprecated

  • Dependencies (0)

  • Dependents (1)

  • Package Flags

       (off by default)

      Enable tracing message flags. These are read from the command-line arguments, which is convenient but may cause problems interacting with the user program, so is not enabled by default. The available options:

      • -ddump-cc: print the generated code, kernel table management information, nvcc compiler warnings, and thread & resource statistics

      • -ddebug-cc: compile code with debugging symbols, suitable for 'cuda-gdb'

      • -ddump-exec: print each kernel name as it is invoked

      • -ddump-gc: print memory management information

      • -dverbose: other, uncategorised messages

      • -fflush-cache: delete the persistent kernel cache

       (on by default)

      Enable bounds checking

       (off by default)

      Enable bounds checking in unsafe operations

       (off by default)

      Enable internal consistency checks