@hackage a500.2

Compare genome assemblies

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  • Maintainer

    Ketil Malde <ketil@malde.org>

  • Versions

    • 0.5 Tue, 23 Jul 2013
    • 0.4 Thu, 13 Dec 2012
    • 0.2 Wed, 20 Oct 2010

a50 is a tool for comparing genome assemblies, providing a bit more information than the usual numeric statistics, like N50. For a quick overview of the options, use 'a50 --help'.

General usage

To compare assemblies, you need two or more fasta-formatted files containing contigs. Running 'a50' with the files as arguments produces a plot with one curve per input. On the x-axis are the contigs, ordered by size, and on the y-axis is the corresponding cumulative size. Generally, a better assembly has a steeper curve (big contigs) which ends early (few contigs) near the y-value corresponding to the expected genome size.

The plot is generated using 'gnuplot', so the gnuplot executable must be in your $PATH. You can pass various information to gnuplot on the commandline, specifically you can use -f to specify output format ('terminal' in gnuplot lingo), -o to specify an output file, and -e to produce horizontal lines, e.g. at the expected genome size.

For example:

    a50 -t pdf -o asm.pdf asm1.fasta asm2.fasta -e 8e+8

will plot the assemblies given in asm1.fasta and asm2.fasta against an expected genome size of 800Mb in PDF format to the file asm.pdf. If no output or format is specified, gnuplot will display the graph in a window. If an output file, but no format is specified, a50 will try to determine the format from the file name extension.

Using EST or transcripts as a reference

A similar way to compare assemblies is to measure the gene coverage of each contig. To do this, you need to have the genes available, typically in the form of raw or assembled ESTs. By specifying a set of transcripts using the -E option, e.g:

    a50 asm.fasta asm2.fasta -E ests.fasta

will plot curves with contigs of the assemblies ordered by size along the x-axis as before, but the y-value will be the total amount of transcript data mapped to the contigs.

The mapping process runs BLAT, and stores the resulting PSL files in a tempdir, typically /tmp, but overriden with the $TMPDIR variable or specified with -T. Only the best hit for each EST is retained, so exons in other contigs are not counted.

Comparison to other measures

You can read various other measures off the graph fairly easily. Total assembly size is the y-value at which the curve ends, and the number of contigs in the assembly is the corresponding x-value. An assembly with greater average contig size will end to the left and/or above of an assembly with shorter average contigs. N50 is the slope of the graph at the y-value corresponding to half the genome size.