@hackage ZFS0.0

Oleg's Zipper FS

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  • Maintainer

    Gwern Branwen <gwern0@gmail.com

  • Versions

This is a Cabalized and somewhat modernized/cleaned-up package containing Oleg's famous ZipperFS. For details, see http://lambda-the-ultimate.org/node/1036.

A demonstration of how to use it is contained in zfs.pdf. The short of the matter is:

   "Load ZFS.hs into GHCi
   Start up the system: main at the GHCi prompt
   From some terminal: 'telnet localhost 1503'"

And then you can play around with it.

This package also comes with an old implementation of delimited continuations. Ideally it would be updated to use the maintained package, CC-Delcont http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/CC-delcont. But I don't know how.