Changelog of @hackage/PenroseKiteDart 1.2

Revision history for PenroseKiteDart

version 1.2 -- 2024-12-1

Release candidate: Introduced getDartInfoForced and improved performance of uncheckedPartCompose and uncheckedCompose removed: composedFaces = snd . partComposeFaces (all in Tgraph.Compose)

Significant improvement on space usage (fixing leaks) adding StrictData to modules Tgraph.HalfTile, Tgraph.Compose, Tgraph.Force. makeUncheckedTgraph now strictly evaluates its argument list of faces.

Made UpdateGenerator a newtype in Tgraph.Force

1.1.1 -- 2024-11-15

Exposed combineUpdateGenerators in Tgraph.Force

Reordered lists of faces in some basic example Tgraphs (to ensure tails of the list are also valid as Tgraphs)

1.1.0 -- 2024-09-28

Release candidate:

Added module CheckBackend with class OKBackend. This is really a class synonym for the constraints on a suitable Backend for drawing tilings. Most types involving a backend b now have a constraint OKBackend b => ...

Removed type synonym: type Diagram2D b = QDiagram b V2 Double Any (no longer needed with the above constraint).

No longer exporting: differing, changeVFMap, forcedDecomp (= force . decompose).

Moved makeTgraph to Tgraph.Prelude. Moved emplaceChoices to TgraphExamples and added example. Moved module Tgraph.Try out of Tgraph (so now module Try).

tryStepForceWith now raises an error for negative number of steps.

Added graphBoundaryVs to Tgraph.Prelude. Added tryBoundaryFaceGraph to Tgraphs

Made ForceState an instance of Show.

Improved haddock comments in Tgraph.Force.

Changed dash sizes for join edges (in dashjOnly).

1.0.0 -- 2024-04-08

Release candidate:

Added upper bounds on dependencies

Added new drawEmpire and changed drawEmpire1, drawEmpire2 to showEmpire1, showEmpire2 -- 2024-04-1

Removed some examples in TgraphExamples and export of some auxiliary functions in Tgraph.Relabelling -- 2024-03-12

Tgraph.Try as a separate module (instead of part of Tgraph.Prelude) Added labelColourSize in DrawableLabelled with labelSize as special case Changes to labelSize and line widths in some diagrams and drawing functions. Removed labelSmall, labelLarge. Added drawTrackedTgraphAligned. Both restrictVP and relevantVP now check for missing locations. -- 2024-02-25

Documentation changes only. -- 2024-02-24

Fewer exported functions (Tgraph.Prelude, Tgraph.Relabelling), some renaming -- 2024-02-18

Export of modules specified and changed (with more hiding) -- 2024-02-17

Now as a standalone library -- 2024-02-14

Added PKD (overall wrapper module). -- 2024-02-13

Removed Tgraph.Convert (Conversions now included in Tgraph.Prelude) -- 2024-01-26

(Removed ChosenBackEnd) Only Main now imports a Backend (in preparation for creating library only). Types have been generalised in modules that were previously using Backend B e.g.

pCompFig :: Diagram B

has become

pCompFig :: Renderable (Path V2 Double) b => Diagram2D b -- 2023-10-27

Tgraphs now defined as newType -- 2023-10-19

Modules: src/ HalfTile.hs -- (Half)Tile constructors - used by TileLib and Tgraph.Prelude ChosenBackend.hs -- switch between e.g. SVG or PostScript TileLib.hs -- Drawing of Pieces (and Patches) Tgraphs.hs -- Main Graph Ops (imports and reexports all modules in Tgraph and adds extra ops) Tgraph/ Tgraph.Prelude.hs -- (imports and reexports HalfTile) Tgraph.Decompose.hs Tgraph.Compose.hs Tgraph.Force.hs Tgraph.Convert.hs -- Converting Tgraphs to VPatches (and drawing both) TgraphExamples.hs -- 2022-03-31

Restructured modules

Graphs and Graph ops are collected in Tgraphs.hs Converting functions (and VPatch definition) are in Tgraph.Convert.hs Graph example figures are in TgraphExamples.hs

Original underlying Tile ops and tile drawing are in TileLib.hs -- 2021-06-18

New Graph representations and operations on graphs (decomposeG, composeG, force, and more) Tools to convert to Patches for drawing etc and also intermediate VPatches, to display Vertex information.

Key changes to original TileLib.hs :

  1. New versions of tile halves using polymorphic versions of constructors in HalfTile.hs
  2. Pieces (replaces Components)
  3. Redefining Patches as a list of Located Pieces (Pieces with point position rather than an offset vector)
  4. Making Patches transformable (so that scale, rotate, translate can be used instead of specialised versions)

also fillDK became fillDK' with new version of fillDK -- 2021-03-16

First version. Vector representations and drawing tools for tile components and patches plus decompose and inflate operations. Described in