Changelog of @hackage/Monadoro

monadoro (3.5.0)

* Improve and unify the display mechanism.

monadoro (3.1.0)

* Move library functions out of the main module.

monadoro (3.0.0)

* Drop dependency on package ansi-terminal.

monadoro (2.6.3)

* Add a man page.

monadoro (2.6.2)

* Fix surprising output on `stack test`.

  There were identical lines of output occurring multiple times without a
  clear reason.

  Fixed by bumping the resolver used to 19.9 LTS.

monadoro (2.6.0)

* Filter invalid time intervals from input.

monadoro (2.5.0)

* Clean up lots of dead code.

monadoro (2.4.0)

* Add option to resume a pomodoro from a given time.

Should you need to reboot your computer while on a pomodoro, it is now
possible to resume the timer from a specified time.

monadoro (2.2.0)

* Complete and integrate unit tests.

* Read the "-v" version number directly from the package.yaml file.

This allowed to remove one module from the package. I handed the
responsibility of that module to dedicated mechanisms that were already

monadoro (2.1.11)

* Fix -v switch.

* Match reported package version to package.yaml using a script.

* Remove experimental dependency on TemplateHaskell (TH).

monadoro (2.1.9)

* Source version number from package.yaml using TemplateHaskell.

monadoro (2.1.6)

* Bump version using a script.

monadoro (2.1.5)

* Fix a spelling error in README.

monadoro (2.1.4)

* Fix package metadata.

monadoro (2.1.3)

* Fix package metadata.

monadoro (2.1.2)

* Complete the pattern list for the argument parser.

monadoro (2.1.0)

* Prune dependencies.

monadoro (2.0.0)

* Add option for a long (4-pomodoro) session.

monadoro (1.0.0)

* Initial release.